List of major tree of India and their parts in Hindi and English name:

The study of plants in India dates back to prehistoric times. Under the science of Ayurveda, there are mentions made several thousand years ago about the size, place of origin and properties of thousands of plants. About 19 percent of India's land area is covered by forests. About 30,000 species of high quality plants, such as gymnosperms and angiosperms, are found in this country.

Clarke (1898 AD), Hooker (1855 AD and 1907 AD), Ethi, Haynes, Kanjilal, D. Chatterjee, G. S. Puri, etc. have done a special study of Indian plants and trees in the modern way of botany, such as about 'forest' Champion and Griffith in G.S. Puri, Ranganathan, White and N.L. Bore, on 'Grass' and 'Pasture'. Chopra, Kirtikar and Basu are notable for the study of plants used in medicine and poisonous plants. Let us know, the names of the major trees of India and their parts in both Hindi and English language:-

List of major trees of India and their parts:

Trees and their parts names in English पेड़/वृक्ष और उनके भागों के नाम हिन्दी में
Germ अंकुर
Guava अमरूद
Polyalthia अशोक
Mango आम
Tamarind इमली
Graft कलम
Bud कली, मुकुल, कलिका
Bulb बल्ब
Wood लकड़ी
Thorn कांटा
Stone पत्थर
Pulp गूदा
Gum गम
Pine देवदार
Bark छाल
Skin छिलका, त्वचा
Coir जटा (नारियल की)
Root जड़
Pistil जयांग
Conifer झाऊ, शंकुधर वृक्ष
Palm ताड
Branch टहनी, डाल (डाली)
Stem धड़, स्कन्ध,तना
Fibre नस
Pollen पराग
Pollen-grain पराग कण
Pollen tube पराग नलिका
Leaf पत्ती
Bubil पत्रकंद
Stamen पुमंग
Rootstalk प्रकंद
Flower फूल
Banyan बरगद, बड़
Acacia arabica बबूल
Seed बीज
Bamboo बांस
Birch भोजपत्र, सन्टी
Juice रस
Fibre रेशा
Branch शाखा
Cypress सरो, सरू
Teak सागवान
Abbizzia labbek सिरस
Cactus सेहुर, थोर, सिज

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