Medicinal plants
Medicinal plants are used as food, medicine, fragrance, flavor, dye and other items in Indian systems of medicine. The importance of medicinal plants is due to the chemicals found in them. Medicinal plants are used in the treatment of mental diseases, epilepsy, insanity and mental retardation. Medicinal plants to suppress phlegm and vata, jaundice, anus, cholera, lung, testicles, nervous disorders, deepening, digestion, mania, blood purifier, anti-febrile, to develop memory and intelligence, diabetes, malaria and strengthen, skin diseases and Beneficial in fever etc.

Importance of Fragrance Plants:
Medical systems around the world operate mainly through two distinct streams:- (1) local or tribal streams and (2) codified and organized systems of medicine [such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Amchi (Tibetan medicine). )]. Medicinal plants are used as food, medicine, fragrance, flavor, dye and other items in Indian systems of medicine. The importance of medicinal plants is due to the chemicals found in them. Medicinal plants are used in the treatment of mental diseases, epilepsy, insanity and mental retardation. Medicinal plants to suppress phlegm and vata, jaundice, anus, cholera, lung, testicles, nervous disorders, deepening, digestion, mania, blood purifier, anti-febrile, to develop memory and intelligence, diabetes, malaria and strengthen, skin diseases and Beneficial in fever etc. There are ample opportunities available for the cultivation of these plants in India.

Today these plants are used extensively in cultivation as alternative medicine and aroma. The availability of global/national market for medicinal and aromatic plants is also good for the cultivation of these plants. The availability of agro-technologies, processing technologies for the cultivation of these plants in India also makes it easier for the farmers to cultivate. Profitable returns on a sustainable basis can be obtained from the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants. Aroma plant oil produced in India is exported to France, Italy, Germany and the United States of America. Today thousands of farmers of the country can earn more profit by cultivating medicinal and aromatic plants, which will increase their income.

Medicinal plant names and uses

1. Ankol: 

Ankol A tree, which is often on the mountainous land all over India. It is similar to the fig tree. It bears round fruits equal to berry, which turn black when ripe. On removing the peel, there is a white pulp wrapped on the seed inside it, which is somewhat sweet to eat. The wood of this tree is hard and is used for making sticks etc. The bark of its root is considered useful in bringing diarrhea, vomiting, leprosy and syphilis etc. to remove skin diseases and to remove the venom of poisonous animals like snakes. In the language of botany, it is also called Allegium salbifolium or Allegium lamarckii. Well it has different names in different languages ​​which are as follows-

  • Sanskrit: Ankot, Longkeel
  • English: Dakshin Dhera, Dhera, Thel, Ankul ; Saharanpur Region- Vismar
  • Bangla: number
  • Marathi: Ankul
  • Gujarati: Obla
  • Cole: Ankol
  • Santhali: Dheela.

Medicinal properties: A substance called 0.8 percent ancotin is found in the root of this plant. 0.2 percent of this substance is also found in its oil. Due to its anti-disease properties, this plant occupies an important place in medicine. It has proved to be very useful in reducing blood pressure. This plant is easily found in the foothills of Himalayas, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Rajasthan, South India and Burma etc.

2. Oregano:

Ajwain refers to three different types of plants. S is called only ajwain (Carum copticum), second Khurasani ajwain and third wild ajwain (Cecelli indica). It is cultivated all over India, especially in Bengal. This plant is also found in Egypt, Iran and Afghanistan. It is sown in October-November and grows up to one and a half cubits tall. Its seeds are sold in the market under the name of Ajwain.

Medicinal properties: Ajwain has many medicinal properties. It can also be taken with you on travel. It is used in many ways according to diseases. It is also used in the form of spice, powder, decoction, kwath and extract. After making its powder and mixing one-eighth part of rock salt and taking 2 grams of it with water, it is beneficial in stomach ache, heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, indigestion and diarrhea. It should be consumed thrice a day.

Benefits of eating ajwain:

  1. Earache: Mix 30 drops of pure mustard oil in 10 drops of oregano oil. Then after lukewarming it on a slow fire, put 4-5 drops in the painful ear, apply a clean cotton swab from above. Make a bundle by mixing hair and carom seeds, also compress it with that bundle. Using this 2-3 times in a day will be beneficial.
  2. Diet: Take thin porridge, pudding or cough-killing substances. Do not give stale and rich food.
  3. Pain in teeth: Applying a cotton swab soaked in oregano oil on the disease-affected tooth, and dripping saliva with the mouth down, stops the pain.
  4. Rheumatoid arthritis: Oregano oil should be massaged if there is any kind of pain in the joints of the body.
  5. Heart colic: After taking ajwain, the pain in the heart calms down and the excitement in the heart increases.
  6. Colic or abdominal pain: Mix 3 grams of carom seeds with a little ground salt and give it with fresh hot water, it ends colic. The deformity of the spleen is removed and thin diarrhea also stops.
  7. Throat swelling: Mix 5-6 drops of oregano oil with 5 grams of honey and lick it 3-4 times a day. Along with this, some powder of carom seeds should be dissolved in hot water mixed with salt and gargle with that water. If you feel hungry, eat pudding made of roasted flour (also add salted carom seeds). Do not consume mucus and air-stimulating, stale, heavy substances and cover the neck and eardrum with woolen clothes etc. so that the patient can get proper benefits.

3. Ginger:

Ginger is a plant of the Zingiberaceae family. In the language of botany, it has been named Zingiber officinale. About 47 genera and 1150 species are found in this family. Its plant is mostly found in tropical (tropical) and temperate (subtropical) parts. Ginger is known as Ginger in English, Adrak in Sanskrit, Adarkh in Hindi, Ada in Marathi. In wet form it is called ginger and when dried it is called saunth (shushti). It grows more in Bengal, Bihar, Chennai, Cochin, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh in India. Ginger has no seed, only small pieces of its tuber are buried in the ground. It is the root of a plant. It is prominent as a spice in India. The ginger plant is also found in China, Japan, Muscarine and islands of the Pacific Ocean. Sympodial rhizome is found in its plant.

Medicinal uses of ginger:

  1. Gargling with a glass of warm water mixed with one teaspoon of ginger juice stops bad breath.
  2. If there is a headache due to cold, then rubbing dry ginger in ghee or water and applying it on the head provides relief.
  3. Taking one gram of ground dry ginger, a little asafetida and rock salt with lukewarm water is beneficial in stomach pain.
  4. Mixing one spoon ginger juice in half a cup of boiling hot water and drinking it at an interval of one hour, the water-like thin diarrhea stops completely.
  5. Drinking ginger juice and water in equal quantity is beneficial in heart disease.
  6. Taking powder of dry ginger mixed with buttermilk is beneficial in Arsh (hemorrhoids) wart.
  7. If there is a problem of digestion, eat a piece of ginger daily in the morning. By doing this you will not get upset. Apart from this, ginger also proves helpful in relieving heartburn.
  8. Ginger is also very helpful in reducing the level of fat in the body.
  9. If you have a complaint of cough along with cough, then add ginger in milk and drink it after boiling it at night. Follow this process for about 15 days. Due to this, the phlegm accumulated in the chest will come out easily.
  10. Grind fresh ginger and put it in a cloth and squeeze out the juice and give it to the patient to drink.
  11. By adding salt to the ginger slices before the meal, eating it openly, it creates appetite, interest in eating, there is no phlegm and air diseases and the throat and tongue are purified.
  12. Taking ginger and onion juice in equal quantity stops vomiting.
  13. In winter, eating ginger mixed with jaggery reduces cold and generates heat in the body. This is the perfect medicine for cough with phlegm caused by cold.
  14. Sucking small pieces of ginger in the mouth stops hiccups.
  15. Sucking the juice by pressing pieces of ginger in tooth and molar pain due to cold is beneficial.

4. Infinite Root:

Anantmool (English name: Indian Sarsaparilla and botanical name: Hemidesmus indicus) is a vine, which is found almost all over India. The aroma in these is due to a flying aromatic substance, on which all the properties of this medicine seem to be dependent. Their roots are used to make medicine.

Medicinal use of Anantmool: It is used in Ayurvedic blood laxative medicines. Anantmool is given in the form of a decoction or pak. According to Ayurveda, it reduces inflammation, is diuretic, is useful in pyrexia, fever, blood defects, syphilis, leprosy, rheumatism, snakebite, scorpiobite etc.

5. Aranyatulsi:

The plant of Aranyatulsi is up to eight feet in height, erect and full of branches. Bark khaki, leaves are up to four inches long and smooth on both sides. It is found in Bengal, Nepal, the hills of Assam, eastern Nepal and Sindh. It is of two types white (album) and black (gratissimum). Rubbing its leaves with hands gives a strong aroma.

Medicinal uses of Aranyatulsi: In Ayurveda, its leaves have been said to be beneficial in Vata, Kapha, eye diseases, vomiting, fainting, Agnivispar (Erysiplus), Pradaha (burning) and stone disease. These leaves are considered to be beneficial for giving birth happily and also for the heart. They are considered to relieve flatulence, stimulant, calming and diuretic. Thymol, eugenol and another essential oil have been found in them by chemical analysis.

6. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha (botanical name: 'Withania somnifera' - Withania somnifera) is a bushy hairy plant. To say that Ashwagandha is a plant, but this multi-year plant is full of nutritious roots. The seeds, fruits and bark of Ashwagandha are used in the treatment of various diseases. It is also called 'Asangadh' and 'Baraharkarni'. The raw root of Ashwagandha smells like horse, that is why it is also called 'Ashwagandha' or 'Vajigandha'. By consuming it, horse-like enthusiasm arises, hence its name is meaningful. The smell of Ashwagandha reduces when it dries.

Medicinal uses of Ashwagandha:

  1. Make a paste by grinding the plant of Ashwagandha, it is useful in removing swelling of the body, any deformed gland of the body and any kind of pimple-boils.
  2. The body remains healthy by consuming podhe leaves mixed with ghee, honey, peepal etc.
  3. If someone has a skin disease, then the Ashwagandha herb is also very beneficial for him. By making its powder and applying it with oil, you can get rid of skin diseases.
  4. If people suffering from the problem of high blood pressure take Ashwagandha powder regularly with milk, then their blood pressure will definitely become normal.
  5. Weakness or weakness in the body can also be removed by massaging with Ashwagandha oil, not only this, this plant is also very beneficial in gas related problems.

7. Amla:

Amla is a fruit bearing tree. It is a shrub plant about 20 to 25 feet tall. Apart from Asia, it is also found in Europe and Africa. Amla plants are found in large quantities in the Himalayan region and peninsular India. Its flowers are like bells. Its fruits are usually small, but the processed plant produces slightly larger fruits. Its fruits are green, smooth and fleshy. Amla is said to be a boon of nature to man. Amla or Indian gooseberry is an indigenous fruit found in the Indian subcontinent. Its origin and development is mainly believed to be in India. Amla tree is grown in almost all the states of India.

Medicinal uses of Amla: Amla has been given great importance in Ayurveda, due to which it is considered as a chemical. Chyawanprash is a well-known rasayana of Ayurveda, which is also used by common man as a tonic. Due to the abundance of gooseberry in it, vitamin 'C' is rich. It increases the health power in the body. Vitamin C is very useful for skin, eye diseases and hair. Vitamin C also plays an important role in protecting against infection, keeping gums healthy, wound healing and blood formation. Apart from this, Amla is used in making Triphala, which is a suitable medicine to remove the problem of constipation or gas in the stomach.

Apart from improving health, Triphala also increases immunity in the body. Iron and calcium are also found in sufficient quantity in this fruit. Iron enhances the blood. Amla is used in the manufacture of well-known medicines of Ayurveda and Unani Pathie, Chyawan Prash, Brahm Rasayan, Dhatri Rasayan, Anoshadaru, Triphala Rasayan, Amalaki Rasayan, Triphala Churna, Dhayarishta, Triphalarishta, Triphala Ghrita etc along with marmalade, sherbet, hair oil etc. .

8. Tamarind:

Tamarind is a tree of plant family Fabaceae. Its fruits are red to brown in color, and are very sour in taste. Tamarind tree is found all over India. Apart from this, it is found in America, Africa and many Asian countries. Tamarind trees are very big. Tamarind tree starts giving fruit after 8 years. Tamarind ripens in the months of February and March. Tamarind is added to many things like vegetables, lentils, chutneys etc. Due to the sour taste of tamarind, it clears the mouth. Old tamarind is more effective than new tamarind. Tamarind leaves are used to make herb (vegetable) and flower chutney. Tamarind wood is very strong. For this reason, people also make squads of axes etc. from its wood.

Medicinal uses of tamarind: The pulp of ripe fruit is beneficial in the treatment of vomiting of bile, constipation, air disorders, indigestion. The extract made by softening its pulp with water benefits in loss of appetite. This disease is a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, which causes spots on the skin, spongy gums and bleeding from the mucous membranes. The person suffering from this disease looks pale and sad. Vitamin C is found in abundance in tamarind. It is beneficial in the treatment of scurvy.

9. Saffron:

The botanical name of saffron is Crocus sativus. In English it is known as Saffron. It is a small plant of the Iridaceae family, whose native place is South Europe. This member of the 'Iris' family is found in about 80 species in different parts of the world. Major saffron growing countries in the world are France, Spain, India, Iran, Italy, Greece, Germany, Japan, Russia, Austria, Turkistan, China, Quetta and Switzerland of Pakistan. Today the credit for growing the most saffron goes to Spain, followed by Iran. 80% of the total production is being grown in these two countries, which is about 300 tonnes per annum.

Medicinal uses of saffron:

  1. Saffron was used in Ayurvedic prescriptions, in food dishes and in Dev Puja etc., but now it is also being used in paan masalas and gutkas. Saffron has many useful properties. It is anti-phlegm, soothing to the mind, strengthening the brain, beneficial to the heart and blood, and coloring and flavoring foods and drinks (such as milk).
  2. In medicine, it is considered to be hot, empathic, vata-kapha-destroyer and pain-setter. Therefore, it is used in suffering, cold and headache. It is a stimulant, anesthetizer, sexual power maintainer, aphrodisiac, tridosha killer, convulsant, gastric sedative, lamp, digestive, palatable, menstrual cleanser, uterine and vaginal shrinkage, skin brightening, blood purifier, metal nourishing, leucorrhoea And curing low blood pressure, anti-phlegm, soothing to the mind, sedative for rheumatism, biliousness, Vrishya, diuretic, breast (milk) enhancer, strengthening the brain, beneficial for heart and blood, and foods and to color and flavor drinks (such as milk).
  3. According to Ayurveda, saffron is stimulating and increases sexual power. It is also beneficial in the problems of bladder, spleen, liver, brain and eyes. It is also found to have anti-inflammatory properties.

10. Neem:

Neem is considered a miraculous tree. Neem which is often the most accessible tree is easily found. Neem trees are spread all over South Asia and are associated with our lives. Neem is a very good plant that is adapted to the Indian environment and is found in abundance in India. Its medicinal properties have been known in India for thousands of years.

Medicinal uses of Neem:

  1. Various types of skin diseases are cured by massaging with neem oil.
  2. Neem paste is helpful in the prevention of all types of skin diseases.
  3. Teeth and gums are strengthened by brushing neem, and there is no worm in the teeth, and bad breath stops coming from the mouth.
  4. Mixing double ground rock salt in it and brushing it ends pyorrhea, tooth-tooth pain etc.
  5. Boiling neem kopals in water and rinsing them keeps the toothache away.
  6. Chewing neem leaves purifies the blood and makes the skin flawless and glowing.
  7. Boiling neem leaves in water and cooling the water and bathing with that water removes skin disorders, and it is especially helpful in the treatment of smallpox and is helpful in not allowing its virus to spread.
  8. In case of smallpox, spread neem leaves to the patient and make him lie on it.
  9. Mixing the powder of coriander and dry ginger in the decoction of neem bark and drinking it provides quick relief in malaria disease.
  10. Neem is very helpful in keeping away the mosquitoes that spread malaria. Malaria does not spread in the environment where neem trees live. Burning neem leaves and smoking it at night kills mosquitoes and prevents malaria.
  11. It is good for the body if massaged with the oil extracted from neem fruit (small) and its leaves.
  12. By applying the paste made by neem, the hair remains healthy and there is less fall.
  13. Boil neem and jujube leaves in water, when it cools down, wash hair, take bath, using it for a few days will stop hair fall and hair will remain black and strong.

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  Last update :  Wed 14 Jun 2023
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