Find Hindi meaning of Fatal. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Fatal" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Fatal" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitioncausing death.
Hindi Meaning of Fatalघातक, जानलेवा, जीवनघातक, भावी, भाग्य-सम्बन्धी, विनाशक, अनर्थकारी, दुखद, मुसीबत भरा
Synonyms of FatalDeadly, Lethal, Mortal
Antonyms of FatalNourishing, Helpful, Harmless

Use of "Fatal" word in sentences, examples

  • Lebanon police are investigating a fatal accident that occurred Friday afternoon at the intersection of 3rd Street and Pershing Avenue.
  • Saskatchewan teen pleads guilty in fatal La Loche shooting
  • Murder suspect surrenders in fatal Washington County shooting.
  • The Broward Sheriff's Office is investigating a fatal shooting that happened inside a home in Oakland Park on Tuesday afternoon.
  • Wednesday night's fatal crash on MLK was chronicled by the passenger in the speeding car.

Similar words of "Fatal"

Deadlyघातक, भीषण, मृतवत, अत्यधिक, महापाप, भावशून्य, महामार
Lethalप्राणघातक, जानलेवा, विनाशक, प्राणघाती

Fatal FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Fatal is, घातक, जानलेवा, जीवनघातक, भावी, भाग्य-सम्बन्धी, विनाशक, अनर्थकारी, दुखद, मुसीबत भरा.

Similar words for Fatal are Deadly, Lethal, Mortal.

The Definition of Fatal is causing death..

Nourishing, Helpful, Harmless, are antonyms of the Fatal word.

Fatal is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5255
  Post Category :  F Letter Words and Meaning