Find Hindi meaning of Flexible. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Flexible" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Flexible" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitioncapable of bending easily without breaking
Hindi Meaning of Flexibleलचीला, नरम, मुलायम, अनुनय, लचकदार, स्थिति के अनुरूप ढलनेवाला, मध्यमार्गी
Synonyms of FlexibleDuctile, Malleable, Pliable
Antonyms of FlexibleRigid, Stiff, Unyielding

Use of "Flexible" word in sentences, examples

  • Flexible material is used in this building to make it resistant to earthquake.
  • His flexible personality made him the best choice for the team.
  • Institute provides flexible timing for the tuitions.
  • He is very flexible; we will make him to do this work for us.
  • The flexible fiber optics is the best to use in start networks.

Similar words of "Flexible"

Adamantमणि, वज्र, हीरा, अटल, हठी, हठीला, अड़ियल, जिददी, सख्त, जकड़ा हुआ
Dogmaticकटटर, हठधर्मी, हठी, धौंस देने वाला, आज्ञापालक, अभिमानी, ध्रष्ट, दम्भपूर्ण
Lissomeलचीला, ललित, नरम, फुर्तीला, मुलायम, पीएलए, क्षीण, दुर्बल
Malleableआघातवर्ध्यनीय, धनवर्धनीय, नरम, लचीला, सुनम्य, प्रसार्य, लोचदार
Obstinateहठी, अविवेकी, अविनीत, अड़ियल, सख्त, प्रतिकूल
Pertinaciousजिद्दी हठी, प्रतिज्ञ, कड़ा, कठोर, अनवरत, स्थायी, अडिग, अविचल
Resilientप्रत्यास्थि, लचीला, लोचदार, उछालदार, डब्बू, वशीभूत, विवर्ण, नरम ह्रदय

Flexible FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Flexible is, लचीला, नरम, मुलायम, अनुनय, लचकदार, स्थिति के अनुरूप ढलनेवाला, मध्यमार्गी.

Similar words for Flexible are Ductile, Malleable, Pliable.

The Definition of Flexible is capable of bending easily without breaking.

Rigid, Stiff, Unyielding, are antonyms of the Flexible word.

Flexible is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5115
  Post Category :  F Letter Words and Meaning