Find Hindi meaning of Foxy. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Foxy" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Foxy" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionresembling or likened to a fox
Hindi Meaning of Foxyआकर्षक, कपटी, कुटिल, धूर्त, मक्कार, चतुर, सयाना, निपुण, प्रवीण, प्रतिभावान
Synonyms of FoxyCrafty, Cunning, Guileful
Antonyms of FoxyNaive, Unintelligent, Honest

Use of "Foxy" word in sentences, examples

  • A foxy brunette in a red dress winked.
  • The corners of her mouth turned up in a foxy smile.
  • A foxy black chick in a business suit sat behind a desk.
  • There was a foxy look in the open eyes; the mouth smiled terribly.
  • In their professional capacities they had both heard about a foxy.

Similar words of "Foxy"

Slyमक्कार, सयाना, धूर्त, गुप्त, कुटिल, चलाप, कपटी, धूर्तपूर्ण
Trickyकपटी, कुटिल, छली, धूर्त, पेचीदा, मक्कार, चालक, सयाना
Vulpineलोमड़ी जैसा चालक, धूर्त, कपटी, चली, मक्कार, चालबाज, फरेबी, चतुर, कपटी
Wilyकपटी, कुटिल, धूर्त, मक्कार, चालक, चालबाज, चली, फरेबी, चतुर

Foxy FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Foxy is, आकर्षक, कपटी, कुटिल, धूर्त, मक्कार, चतुर, सयाना, निपुण, प्रवीण, प्रतिभावान.

Similar words for Foxy are Crafty, Cunning, Guileful.

The Definition of Foxy is resembling or likened to a fox.

Naive, Unintelligent, Honest, are antonyms of the Foxy word.

Foxy is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3807
  Post Category :  F Letter Words and Meaning