Find Hindi meaning of Seclude. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Seclude" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Seclude" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionkeep someone away from other people.
Hindi Meaning of Secludeअलग रहना, पृथक रहना, समाज से दूर रहना, परिसीमित करना
Synonyms of SecludeInsulate, Isolate, Segregate
Antonyms of SecludeJoin, Mingle, Socialize

Use of "Seclude" word in sentences, examples

  • In Japan, there are over 500,000 'hikikomori;' young people who seclude themselves from the outside world.
  • September 11th, 2001, the pious individuals who had chosen to secludethemselves
  • Because you wanted to seclude yourself to a tiny tract of farmland in Soledad
  • Sasop found that the physical state of the seclusion rooms at the hospital posed a particular risk at the moment
  • We wish to seclude these incidents and ascribe blame, but these assignments are made from a privileged position.

Similar words of "Seclude"

Isolateअलग, विलग पृथक, विभक्त, विविक्त करना, अलगाव, एकाकी, वियुक्त

Seclude FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Seclude is, अलग रहना, पृथक रहना, समाज से दूर रहना, परिसीमित करना.

Similar words for Seclude are Insulate, Isolate, Segregate.

The Definition of Seclude is keep someone away from other people..

Join, Mingle, Socialize, are antonyms of the Seclude word.

Seclude is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  1830
  Post Category :  S Letter Words and Meaning