प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct

प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct

प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct

प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct

प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct

प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct

प्रश्न: In each following numbers below. Select the number of different.


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: Find out the pair/Group which is different from the other in each of the following questions


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: Find out the pair/Group which is different from the other in each of the following options.


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: Find out the pair/Group which is different from the other in each of the following options.

  71, 7, 3, 17

❌ Incorrect

  67, 71, 3, 5

❌ Incorrect

  41, 5, 3, 47

❌ Incorrect

  37, 14, 14, 7

✅ Correct

प्रश्न: Find out the pair/Group which is different from the other in each of the following options.


❌ Incorrect

  112, 95

❌ Incorrect

  79, 63

✅ Correct

  167, 150

❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: Find out the pair/Group which is different from the other in each of the following options.


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: Find out the pair/Group which is different from the other in each of the following options.


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct

प्रश्न: Find out the pair/Group which is different from the other in each of the following options.


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: Find out the pair/Group which is different from the other in each of the following options.


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct

प्रश्न: Find out the pair/Group which is different from the other in each of the following options.


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect

प्रश्न: Find out the pair/Group which is different from the other in each of the following options.


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  1100