Question: A day after tomorrow will be X-mas-day. What will be the day on New-year-day If today is Monday?


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

Question: Two watches, one of which gained at the rate of 1 min. and the other lost at the rate of 1 min. were set correctly at noon on the 1st Jan., 1978. When did the watches indicate the same time?

  Dec.28, 1978 noon

❌ Incorrect

  Dec.24, 1978 noon

❌ Incorrect

  Dec.27, 1978 noon

✅ Correct

  Dec.27, 1978 mid-night

❌ Incorrect

Question: A tired worker slept at 6.45p.m. If he rose at 12 noon, for how many hours did he sleep?

  12 hours

❌ Incorrect

  5 hours 15 min.

❌ Incorrect

  6 hours 45 min.

❌ Incorrect

  17 hourse 15 min.

✅ Correct

Question: A man is waiting for a bus of route number 1, 2 and 3. The bus of route number 1, passes after 5 minutes each, but of route number 2 after each 15 minutes and number 3 after each 45 minutes. But as he reaches the bus stop, a bus had just left. For atleast howlong he has to wait for the bus?

  5 min.

✅ Correct

  7 min.

❌ Incorrect

  3 min.

❌ Incorrect

  9 min.

❌ Incorrect

Question: A college starts from 10 a.m. continues till 1.30p.m. In this duration there are 5 periods. If 5 minutes are provided before each period to leave the room and enter the other, then what is the duration of each period?

  38 min.

✅ Correct

  42 min. 

❌ Incorrect

  41 min.

❌ Incorrect

  40 min.

❌ Incorrect

Question: Kamla is 42 weeks oldest to me while Anuradha is 15 weeks older to her. If Anuradha was born on Saturday, on which day was I born?


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

Question: Veerchand was born on 22nd March 1982. On what day of the week was he 14 years 7 month and 8 day of age?


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

Question: Hemant took the calendar of the year 1990 and with its help he came to know about the days of the year. Can he use the same calendar for any other year? If so then for which year?


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

Question: Shailendra takes causal leave only on first working day of every month. The office has weekly offs on Saturday and Sunday. In a month of 30 days, the first working day happened to be Tuesday. What will be the day for his next casual leave?


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct

Question: A man has a job which requires to works 8 straight days and rest on the ninth day. If he started work on a Monday, the 12th time he rests will be on what day of the week?


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

Question: Which of the following years is not a leap year?


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect

Question: How many times from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. the hands are at right angles?


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect

Question: At what angles the hands of a clock are inclined when it is half past 2?


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

Question: In a class of 39 students, Ravi is 7 ranks ahead of Sumit. If Sumit's rank is 17th from the last, what is Ravi's rank from the start?


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

Question: 10 boys are sitting in a line facing in the same direction. Abhijit who is 7th from the left end is just to the right of Sushant who is 5th from the right end. Sushant is 3rd to the right of Rupin. How many children are between Abhijit and Rupin.


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect

  Data Inadequate

❌ Incorrect

Question: Three person A, B and C are standing in a queue. There are five persons between A and B and 8 persons between B and C. If there be 3 persons ahead of C and 21 persons behind A; what is the minimum number of persons in the queue.


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

Question: In a queue Vijay is 14th from the front while Jack is 17th from the end, while Mary is between Vijay and Jack. If Vijay be ahead of Jack and there are 48 persons in the queue, how many persons are there between Vijay and Mary?


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

Question: In a line of boys Kapil is 8th from the right and Nikunj is 12th from the left. When Kapil and Nikunj interchange their positions, Nikunj becomes 21st from the left. What will be the positions of Kapil from the right?


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect

  Cannot be determined

❌ Incorrect

Question: Aruna ranks 12 in a class of 46. What will be her rank from the last?


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

Question: In the class of Reeta, the boys are twice than of girls. Reeta ranked 17th from the top. If there are 7 girls ahead of Reeta and the rank of Reeta is 20th from the last in the class, how many girls are after Reeta downward?


❌ Incorrect

  Data Inadequate

❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect

Question: In a line of children, Kailash is fifth from the left and Mona is 6th from the right. When they interchange their positions Kailash becomes 13th from the left. Then what will be the position of Mona from the right?


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect

Question: In a line of boys who are facing towards the north, the position of Sudhanshu is 12th from the left. When he shifts 4 places to the right then his position is 18th from the right. What is total number of the boys in the line?


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct


❌ Incorrect

  Data Inadequate

❌ Incorrect

Question: In a row of students Rakesh is 12th from the left and Kashi is 17th from the right. When they interchange their positions Kashi becomes 27th from the right. How many students are there between Kashi and Rakesh.


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect


✅ Correct

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  1513
  Post Category :  Ranking Quiz