General knowledge based on which language is spoken in which state of India:

Indian states are a sub-national administrative unit of the federal administrative structure of the country. The states of India have their own elected governments, which are elected by the voters of that state every five years.

Each state also has its own Legislative Assembly, similar to the Parliament of India at the state level, from where the state government governs the state. The largest republic in the world, the Republic of India has 28 states and 9 union territories. The head of the state is the chief minister and the head of the union territory is called the lieutenant governor or administrator.

Names of 28 states and 22 languages of India

India is a country of unity in diversity. Different languages are spoken here in each state, living habits and dialects and culture are also seen differently in every 40-50 kms. The nature of diversity in India is not only geographical, but also linguistic and cultural. Hindi language has been given the status of official and official language of India and Hindi is the official language of 10 states of India. According to a report, 1652 mother tongues are in vogue in India, while 22 languages have been recognized as official language by the Constitution. Earlier only 15 languages were recognized as official language under Article 344 of the Indian Constitution, but by the 21st Constitutional Amendment, Sindhi was given the status of official language by the 71st Constitutional Amendment and Nepali, Konkani and Manipuri were also given the status of official language.

Later, through the 92nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 2003, in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution, four new languages Bodo, Dogri, Maithili and Santhali were included in the official language. Thus now 22 languages have been given the status of official language in the constitution. The total number of people speaking these 22 languages in India is about 90%. Apart from these 22 languages, English is also the subsidiary official language and it is also the official language of Mizoram, Nagaland and Meghalaya. Altogether 58 languages are taught in schools in India. Following are the names of the major languages of all the states of India:-

List of 22 languages spoken in 28 states of India:

States and Union Territories of India Language Other language
Jammu and Kashmir Cashmere Dogri and Hindi
Himachal Pradesh Hindi Punjabi and Nepali
Haryana Hindi Punjabi and Urdu
Punjab Punjabi Hindi
Uttarakhand Hindi Gadwali, Kumaoni, Urdu, Punjabi and Nepali
Delhi Hindi Punjabi, Urdu and Bengali
Uttar Pradesh Hindi Urdu
Rajasthan Hindi Punjabi and Urdu
Madhya Pradesh Hindi Marathi and Urdu
West Bengal Bengali Hindi, Santali, Urdu, Nepali
Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarhi Hindi
A state in Eastern India Hindi Maithili and Urdu
Jharkhand Hindi Santali, Bengali and Urdu
Sikkim Nepali Hindi, Bengali
Arunachal Pradesh Bengali Nepali, Hindi and Assamese
Nagaland Bengali Hindi and Nepali
Mizoram Bengali Hindi and Nepali
Assam Assamese Bengali, Hindi, Bodo and Nepali
Tripura Bengali Hindi
Meghalaya Bengali Hindi and Nepali
Manipur Manipuri Nepali, Hindi and Bengali
Odisha Oriya Hindi, Telugu and Santali
Maharashtra Marathi Hindi, Urdu and Gujarati
Gujarat Gujarati Hindi, Sindhi, Marathi and Urdu
Karnataka Kannada Urdu, Telugu, Marathi and Tamil
Daman and Diu Gujarati Hindi and Marathi
Dadra and Nagar Haveli Gujarati Hindi, Konkani and Marathi
Goa Konkani Marathi, Hindi and Kannada
Andra Pradesh Telugu Urdu, Hindi and Tamil
Kerala Malayalam -
Lakshadweep Malayalam -
Tamil Nadu Tamil Telugu, Kannada and Urdu
Puducherry Tamil Telugu, Kannada and Urdu
Andaman and Nicobar Islands Bengali Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam

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Languages of India GK Questions and Answers 🔗

Read also:

States and Their Languages FAQs:

The Tamil language was given classical language status by the central government in October 2004 (during the presidency of Abdul Kalam), Tamil, the oldest of the Dravidian languages, is considered classical like Sanskrit and a modern language like other Indian languages.

Bengali is the second most spoken Indian language after Hindi. It is the most widely spoken of the Indian languages and is also used in the divided states of West Bengal, Tripura, and Assam.

Both Khasi and Garo languages are the main languages of the state of Meghalaya. Meghalaya, a north eastern state of India Khasi language is used by Khasi tribe, while Garo language is used by Garo tribe. Both these languages are recognized as official languages of Meghalaya.

The language of Kerala is Malayalam which is one of the languages of the Dravidian family. Several theories have been presented about the origin of Malayalam language.

The pride books named 'Shilappadikaram' and 'Manimekhalai' of Tamil language are related to Hindu religion. In which Silappadikaram is known as the first epic of 'Tamil literature'. and Manimekalai is an epic poem composed by the poet Chitalai Chatnar, one of the five epics of modern Tamil literature.

  Last update :  Fri 2 Jun 2023
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