There are many important days in the world, each with its own significance. Some of the most well-known important days include International Women's Day, Earth Day, and World Health Day. These days are celebrated around the world to raise awareness of important issues and to promote positive change.
Here you are given Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on the Important Daythe topic of General Knowledge. First of all, you have to read all the GK questions related to Important Day and click on one correct answer for each question. If your answer is correct, you will be displayed with a ✅ sign, but if your answer is wrong, a ❌ sign will be displayed, so that you can identify the correct answer you have given.
 ◉ Teacher's day
✅ Correct
 ◉ children's Day
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ mother's Day
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Sports Day
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 44717
✅ Correct
 ◉ 1 June
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 25 June
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 4 June
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ On 20 February
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ on 28 February
✅ Correct
 ◉ On 24 February
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ On 22 February
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ On 25 January
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ On August 15
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ On 2 October
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ on 21 september
✅ Correct
 ◉ 12 March
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 20 March
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 44635
✅ Correct
 ◉ 24 April
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 13 December
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 44909
✅ Correct
 ◉ 10 December
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 16 December
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Second Monday of May
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ first sunday of may
✅ Correct
 ◉ Second Sunday of May
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ First Monday of May
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ On March 19
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ on january 15
✅ Correct
 ◉ On 15 February
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ On 15 April
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 19 March
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ August 15
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 44628
✅ Correct
 ◉ 14 February
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 19 March
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 24 March
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 31 March
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 44635
✅ Correct
 ◉ On 7 May
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ on 7th april
✅ Correct
 ◉ On 7 June
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ On March 7
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Germany surrendered to the friendly nations
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Mahatma Gandhi to return home from South Africa
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ United States drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ American labor unions to limit working hours to no more than 8 hours
✅ Correct
 ◉ 44812
✅ Correct
 ◉ 2 October
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 2 September
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 2 November
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 23 August
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 44643
✅ Correct
 ◉ 14 August
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 16 March
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ P. Jawaharlal Nehru
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
✅ Correct
 ◉ Dr. Rajendra Prasad
❌ Incorrect
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Important National and International Days 2023 🔗