National flag, National bird, National animal, National flower, National tree etc symbols represent the diverse and rich culture of India. They are a source of pride for the Indian people and help to unite the country.
Here you are given Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on the National Symbols of Indiathe topic of General Knowledge. First of all, you have to read all the GK questions related to National Symbols of India and click on one correct answer for each question. If your answer is correct, you will be displayed with a ✅ sign, but if your answer is wrong, a ❌ sign will be displayed, so that you can identify the correct answer you have given.
 ◉ Tiger
✅ Correct
 ◉ Deer
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Lion
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Elephant
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Mandukya Upanishad
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Mundaka Upanishad
✅ Correct
 ◉ Taettiriya udanishad
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Ramayana
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Rigveda
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Upanishads
✅ Correct
 ◉ Samaveda
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Veda
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Vedanta
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Purana
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Mundak
✅ Correct
 ◉ Moral purity
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Economic growth
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ economic freedom
✅ Correct
 ◉ Humorous
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 17405
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 18490
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 18289
✅ Correct
 ◉ 17193
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Mundak Upanishad
✅ Correct
 ◉ Padma Purana
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Tragveda
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Ramayana
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 12 September 2015
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 16 September 2015
✅ Correct
 ◉ 20 September 2015
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 18 September 2015
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Panda
✅ Correct
 ◉ Elephant
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Lion
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Camel
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Fisheries
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Fuel conservation
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ from environmentally safe materials
✅ Correct
 ◉ With agricultural implements
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Parallel
✅ Correct
 ◉ Flow table
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ flow line
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Flow chart
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ of nature
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ of peace
✅ Correct
 ◉ Violence
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Justice
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Mahatma Gandhi
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Bal Gangadhar Tilak
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Madan Mohan Malviya
✅ Correct
 ◉ Indira Gandhi
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Neem tree
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Common
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Banyan
✅ Correct
 ◉ Ficus religiosa
❌ Incorrect
Visit link below to learn more about the topic:
List of All National Symbols of India 🔗