Q. Which Rajput ruler built a group of hills called "Jij Muhammadshuhi" so that people could make astronomical observations?

 ◉ Raja Sawai Jai Singh

✅ Correct

 ◉ Madho Singh I

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Mirza Raja Jai ​​Singh

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Man Singh

❌ Incorrect

Q. To whom was the "Prize Land" given?

 ◉ Revenue collector

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ scholar and religious person

✅ Correct

 ◉ Uninterrupted

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Mansabdar

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who was the leader of "Young Bengal Movement"?

 ◉ Subhash Chandra Boss

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Henry Vivian Derozio

✅ Correct

 ◉ Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Surendra Nath Benerjee

❌ Incorrect

Q. When and where did the "Theosophical Society" establish its head office in India?

 ◉ 1890 - Awadi

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 1995 - Vellore

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ In Aduyar in 1882 AD

✅ Correct

 ◉ 1885 - Belur

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who built the "Gol-Gumbaz" at Bijapur which is the second largest dome in the world, famous for its Mar-Marshravi gallery?

 ◉ Muhammad Rasa

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Mohd Adil Shah

✅ Correct

 ◉ Ismail Adilshah

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Yusuf Adilshah

❌ Incorrect

Q. When did the Japanese attack Moti Harbor, where the American Pacific Fleet was stationed?

 ◉ In 1947 AD

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ In 1943 AD

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ In 1945 AD

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ in 1941

✅ Correct

Q. A potato tuber is cut into two halves. Out of this, a few drops of iodine solution have been dropped on the surface of one of the cut parts. What color change can be seen in it?

 ◉ Brown to white

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Brown to blue

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Brown to red

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ brown to bluish-black

✅ Correct

Q. In which work E.G. technique is used in recording?

 ◉ Brain

✅ Correct

 ◉ Heart

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Breathing

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ None of them

❌ Incorrect

Q. Due to the presence of which the color of cow's milk is yellow?

 ◉ Riboflavin

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Genthophil

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ carotene

✅ Correct

 ◉ Ribuulose

❌ Incorrect

Q. What kind of disease is 'diphtheria'?

 ◉ are contagious

✅ Correct

 ◉ Genetic

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Both suit

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ None of them

❌ Incorrect

Q. Jaundice disease is caused by whose transmission?

 ◉ Liver

✅ Correct

 ◉ Heart

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ lungs

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ None of them

❌ Incorrect

Q. Why is the air mass near the ground level extremely hot?

 ◉ There are dust particles in air sign

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Air sign is far from the sun

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ air mass is heated by terrestrial radiation

✅ Correct

 ◉ Air sign radiahes heat

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the source of the Nile River?

 ◉ Black Sea

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ lake victoria

✅ Correct

 ◉ Baikal lake

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Caspian Sea

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the name of the cold and strong winds that run in the northern hemisphere and go up to the sub-polar region?

 ◉ nore-easter

✅ Correct

 ◉ Commercial pavne

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ West

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ None of them

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which mineral is mainly used for smelting iron ore?

 ◉ Iron and bauxite

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Bauxite and Copper

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Carbon and iron

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ manganese and limestone

✅ Correct

Q. Which project provides power for Rourkela Steel Plant?

 ◉ Hirakud Dam Project

✅ Correct

 ◉ Sardar Sarovar Dam Project

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Tehri Dam Project

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ None of them

❌ Incorrect

Q. In which ocean is the largest active volcano located?

 ◉ Mediterranean Sea

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Atlantic Ocean

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ pacific ocean

✅ Correct

 ◉ Indian Ocean

❌ Incorrect

Q. Where is the major fishing harbor located in India?

 ◉ In Paradip

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ in cochin

✅ Correct

 ◉ In Mumbai

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ In Kolkata

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the total number of zodiac signs?

 ◉ 12 (twelve)

✅ Correct

 ◉ 10

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 4

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 11

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which planet emits green light?

 ◉ Vesper

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Uranus

✅ Correct

 ◉ Varun

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Earth

❌ Incorrect

Q. When total utility is maximum at a point then what will be marginal utility?

 ◉ Zero

✅ Correct

 ◉ Will be the lowest growth

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ There will be maximum increase

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Noth of them

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the situation when total cost is equal to total revenue?

 ◉ break-even point

✅ Correct

 ◉ Low level point

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ High level point

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ None of them

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the relationship between the price of a commodity and its demand?

 ◉ inverse relationship

✅ Correct

 ◉ Direct relation

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Both suit

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ None of them

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the increase in national income due to increase in price called?

 ◉ Autonomous change

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ growth of national income currency

✅ Correct

 ◉ Repayment balance

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ balanced budget

❌ Incorrect

Q. When a sealed food item kept in a closed bag is heated in micro-waves, why are holes made in the bag first?

 ◉ to prevent the bag from bursting under the pressure of the steam

✅ Correct

 ◉ To protect the same from getting ripened in the bag

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ To prevent the bag from getting food

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ None of them

❌ Incorrect

Q. A vacuum cleaner works according to the differential law of steam. How would that work in the Moon?

 ◉ won't work

✅ Correct

 ◉ Will do low level work

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Will work high level

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ None of them

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the name of the first election commissioner of India?

 ◉ AMBULANCE (ambulance)

✅ Correct

 ◉ H.S. Brahma

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Naseem Zaidi

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ O.P. Rawat

❌ Incorrect

Q. A rubber ball is dropped from a height of 2 m. If there is no loss of energy and velocity after rebound, then to what height will it rise?

 ◉ 1 meter

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 2 meters

✅ Correct

 ◉ 10 meters

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 4 meters

❌ Incorrect

Q. In which year was the "Morle-Minto Reforms" introduced?

 ◉ In 1947 AD

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ in 1909 AD

✅ Correct

 ◉ In 1919 AD

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ In 1935 AD

❌ Incorrect

Q. In which state Birsa Munda was operating against the British?

 ◉ Chhota Nagpur

✅ Correct

 ◉ Bihar

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Maharashtra

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Kanpur

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who gave the slogan of "Quit India Movement"?

 ◉ Mahatma Gandhi

✅ Correct

 ◉ Subhash Chandra Bose

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Dr. Rajendra Prasad

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ P. Jawaharlal Nehru

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which museum has the largest collection of Kushan sculptures?

 ◉ Delhi Museum

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Mathura Museum

✅ Correct

 ◉ Mumbai Museum

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Madras museum

❌ Incorrect

Q. During the reign of Akbar "Mahabharata" was translated into Persian language. By what name is he known?

 ◉ Iqbalnama

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Sakinat - ul - Auliya

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ memorandum

✅ Correct

 ◉ Akbarnama

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which British Viceroy is associated with the partition of Bengal?

 ◉ lord curzon

✅ Correct

 ◉ Lord Mountbetten

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Lord Irwin

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ None of them

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which Tomar ruler is credited with establishing the city of Delhi?

 ◉ Devaraj

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Anangpal

✅ Correct

 ◉ Rudrana

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Vajrat

❌ Incorrect

Q. In which Kshatriya gotra was Lord Mahavira born?

 ◉ knower

✅ Correct

 ◉ Sallas

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Lichhavi

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Shakya

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who built the Virupaksha temple?

 ◉ Chalukya

✅ Correct

 ◉ Palv

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Satavahana

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Vakatak

❌ Incorrect

Q. To whom does the farmer inform the water charges paid to the government?

 ◉ intermediate consumption

✅ Correct

 ◉ Low consumption

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ High consumption

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ None of them

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is meant by "Final Goods" in accounting terms?

 ◉ Early goods

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Gross interest - capital loss

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Net investment

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Opening stock + net investment - capital loss

✅ Correct

Q. What is "quota"?

 ◉ Export quantity limit

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Import quantity limit

✅ Correct

 ◉ Tax imposed tax

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Import of capital material

❌ Incorrect

Q. In a normal person, what should be the average rate of heartbeat per minute?

 ◉ 60 times

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 72 times

✅ Correct

 ◉ 102 times

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 100 times

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is an "enzyme" basically?

 ◉ Amino acid

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Carbohydrate

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ protein

✅ Correct

 ◉ Lipid

❌ Incorrect

Q. Why do more fish die in summer than in winter?

 ◉ Due to lack of food

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ due to depletion of oxygen

✅ Correct

 ◉ Caused by concentration

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Caused by disease

❌ Incorrect

Q. For which art is Amrita Sher-Gil famous?

 ◉ painting

✅ Correct

 ◉ Literature writing

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Poetry writing

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ None of them

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who invented portland cement?

 ◉ Joseph monier

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Louis wicket

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ joseph aspdin

✅ Correct

 ◉ John Smitton

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who was the Governor General of India during the Revolt of 1857?

 ◉ Lord Mountbatten

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Lord churchill

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ lord canning

✅ Correct

 ◉ Lord Irwin

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who first formulated the law of planetary motion?

 ◉ jonnis kepler

✅ Correct

 ◉ Nichalace coppericus

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Issac newton

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Gallillio

❌ Incorrect

Q. In which field has Ustad Bismillah Khan gained fame?

 ◉ Sitar

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Hindustani music

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ guitar

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ playing the clarinet

✅ Correct

Q. Where is "Bada Imambara" located?

 ◉ In Allahabad

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ In Ajmer

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ in Lucknow

✅ Correct

 ◉ In Agra

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is metabolism?

 ◉ biomolecule synthesis and breakdown

✅ Correct

 ◉ Bio -molecule recurrence

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Bio -molecule

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Synthesis of bio molecule

❌ Incorrect

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2062
  Post Category :  SSC CML Quiz