◉ Nandlal bose
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Jyotirao Govindrao Phule
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Veer Savarkar
✅ Correct
 ◉ Bhimrao Ambedkar
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Jhansi
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Satara
✅ Correct
 ◉ Napore
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Awadh
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Corporation tax
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ bond holder
✅ Correct
 ◉ state tax
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ corporate tax
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In Switzerland
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ in Belgium
✅ Correct
 ◉ in Australia
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In japan
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ unemployment arises
✅ Correct
 ◉ Unemployment decreases
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Goods are stored
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Prices increase
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Sarojini Naidu
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Mother Teresa
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ florence nightingale
✅ Correct
 ◉ Joan of Arc
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Paris
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Vienna
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Oslo
✅ Correct
 ◉ New York
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Vadodara
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ face
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ in Ahmedabad
✅ Correct
 ◉ Bharuch
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ William Henry Brag
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ robert watson watt
✅ Correct
 ◉ Jaan ingenhaouse
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Mortimmer hipler
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Kristen Bernard
✅ Correct
 ◉ Max Planck
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Thomas Young
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Swante Arhinius
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ When the sun reaches the earth
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ during photosynthesis
✅ Correct
 ◉ When an object is displaced in the direction of force
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ During carbon-dye-oxide
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Lyons (France)
✅ Correct
 ◉ Delhi (India)
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Vienna, Austria)
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ London, England)
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Ujjayini
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Ayodhya
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Mithila
✅ Correct
 ◉ Kashi
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ game
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Literature
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ violinist
✅ Correct
 ◉ Transformed player
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ by simple majority
✅ Correct
 ◉ President's order
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ By the order of the Attorney General of India
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ By order of prime minister
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ The Supreme Court on the basis of investigation and report by the Greatist of India
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Prime Minister based on investigation and report by Supreme Court
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ by the President on the basis of inquiry and report by the Supreme Court
✅ Correct
 ◉ Prime Minister based on investigation and report by Ministry of Home Affairs
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In the name of the Emperor of England
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In the name of Viceroy of India
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ named after a surveyor general of india
✅ Correct
 ◉ In the name of the first climber to climb the summit
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ At any stage with the chairman of the chairman
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ After general discussion during second reading
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ after second reading
✅ Correct
 ◉ After first reading
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Vitamin E-12
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Vitamin C-12
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Vitamin B 12
✅ Correct
 ◉ Vitamin D-12
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Aponymization
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Jeevari
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ non renewable
✅ Correct
 ◉ Renewable
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In ludhiana
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In Chennai
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ in Hyderabad
✅ Correct
 ◉ In Agartala
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Parliament
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Constitution
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Parliament and State Legislature
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ we the people
✅ Correct
 ◉ Gulf
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ estuary (achurey)
✅ Correct
 ◉ Delta
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ bay
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Contaminated net
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Sunrise
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ felling trees
✅ Correct
 ◉ Burn fossil fuel
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ It appears in the air
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Shows in gases
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ seen in deserts
✅ Correct
 ◉ It appears in water
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Atmospheric pressure keeps decreasing
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Atmospheric pressure increases
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Atmospheric pressure remains stable
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ atmospheric pressure decreases
✅ Correct
 ◉ Of gold
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ of zinc
✅ Correct
 ◉ Copper
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Copper
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ gold and/or convertible currency
✅ Correct
 ◉ Be more cash
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Population is high
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Be nuclear power
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ When the moon and the earth are face to face
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ When the day is big and the night is small
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ When the sun and the earth are face to face
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ when day and night are equal
✅ Correct
 ◉ equal pressure
✅ Correct
 ◉ Equal
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Equal population
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Equal rainfall
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ price determined by supply and demand
✅ Correct
 ◉ Marginal utility and price difference
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Price determined by production and supply
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Difference in the price of marginal cost and marginal supply
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Price decreases
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Increases and demand decreases
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Increases and demand also increases
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ is maximum
✅ Correct
 ◉ Central government
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ By Ministry of Finance
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ by the state government
✅ Correct
 ◉ By finance officer
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ By conduction
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ By convection
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ by radiation
✅ Correct
 ◉ By reflection
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In Raipur
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In Godhra
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In Chennai
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ in Kolkata
✅ Correct
 ◉ At the beginning of the north-west monsoon
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Eastern-Western monsoon starts
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ On the onset of south-west monsoon
✅ Correct
 ◉ At the beginning of the western-east monsoon
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Chandra Shekhar Venkat Raman
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Rabindranath tagore
✅ Correct
 ◉ Satyendranath Tagore
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Amartya Sen
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Hyderabad
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Ujjain
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Allahabad
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Ahmedabad
✅ Correct
 ◉ three year
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ nine years
✅ Correct
 ◉ Five years
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Seven years
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Chandrayan-9
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Aryabhata
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Chandrayan-4
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Chandrayaan-1
✅ Correct
 ◉ 234
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 232
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 238
✅ Correct
 ◉ 228
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Chief Justice of India
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Chief Greatist of India
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ President
✅ Correct
 ◉ prime minister of India
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ One who increases Joy
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Samudragupt
✅ Correct
 ◉ Chandra Gupta Mourya
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Chandragupta first
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 2 months
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 8 months
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 6 months
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 4 month
✅ Correct
 ◉ copper
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ zinc (zinc)
✅ Correct
 ◉ Magnesium
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Iron
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Chief Minister resigns from his post with immediate effect
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Supreme court order
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Governor resigns
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ The government of the state could not be run according to the constitution
✅ Correct
 ◉ Punjabi
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Odyssey
✅ Correct
 ◉ Kuchipudi
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Kathkali
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Second fight of Panipat
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Battle of Bilgram
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ first battle of panipat
✅ Correct
 ◉ After Kalinga War
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Journalism
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Literature
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ game
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ science
✅ Correct
 ◉ Indirect tax payment
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ interest paid
✅ Correct
 ◉ Payment of direct tax
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Payment of loan
❌ Incorrect