Find Hindi meaning of Restrict. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Restrict" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Restrict" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionput a limit on
Hindi Meaning of Restrictबाधित, परिमित, सीमाबद्ध, सीमित करना
Synonyms of RestrictCircumscribe, Confine, Limit
Antonyms of RestrictEnlarge, Extend, Expand

Use of "Restrict" word in sentences, examples

  • Half of Earth's satellites restrict use of climate data
  • When governments restrict who can access data, or limit how people can use or redistribute
  • The bill would largely restrict police from using deadly force except in scenarios where it's necessary to protect human life.
  • The Iowa House passed legislation that would restrict the use of traffic cameras in Iowa
  • Several local councils across the Netherlands are bringing in local laws to restrict the number of Eastern Europeans living in certain residential areas

Similar words of "Restrict"

Confineपरिरुद्ध, परिरोध करना, बंद करना,सीमाबद्ध करना, कैद में रखना, जब्त करना
Widenचोडा करना, बढ़ाना, फैलाना, विस्तृत करना, विशाल, व्यापक

Restrict FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Restrict is, बाधित, परिमित, सीमाबद्ध, सीमित करना.

Similar words for Restrict are Circumscribe, Confine, Limit.

The Definition of Restrict is put a limit on.

Enlarge, Extend, Expand, are antonyms of the Restrict word.

Restrict is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2220
  Post Category :  R Letter Words and Meaning