The major areas of science include physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, and astronomy. These disciplines study the natural world and its phenomena, using observation, experimentation, and theory. Science has led to many important discoveries and technological advancements, and it continues to play a vital role in our understanding of the universe.
Here you are given Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on the Major Areas of Sciencethe topic of General Knowledge. First of all, you have to read all the GK questions related to Major Areas of Science and click on one correct answer for each question. If your answer is correct, you will be displayed with a ✅ sign, but if your answer is wrong, a ❌ sign will be displayed, so that you can identify the correct answer you have given.
 ◉ jonas salk
✅ Correct
 ◉ Alexander Fleming
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Albert Savin
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Edward Jenner
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Alias Howe
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Elisha G. Otis
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Thomas Edison
✅ Correct
 ◉ William Stanley
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Benjamin Franklin
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Albert einstein
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Thomas Edison
✅ Correct
 ◉ Nikola Teesla
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Wellington (Tamil Nadu)
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Pune
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Bangalore
✅ Correct
 ◉ Secunderabad (Andhra Pradesh)
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Kolkata
✅ Correct
 ◉ Roorkee (Uttarakhand)
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ New Delhi
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Khadagwasla, Pune
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Recades
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Adam Smith
✅ Correct
 ◉ Malthas
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ JM Keins
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Because that dwipadnam method proposed
✅ Correct
 ◉ Because that designation method proposed
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Because that green method proposed
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Parveen Sultana
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Tansen
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Amir Khusro
✅ Correct
 ◉ Baiju Babra
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Capler
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Euclid
✅ Correct
 ◉ Pythagoras
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Aristotle
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Bill Gates
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Lady Lara
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Charles Babbage
✅ Correct
 ◉ Larry page
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Charles Babbage
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Galileo
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Homi J. Bhabha
✅ Correct
 ◉ Aristotle
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Plato
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Aristotle
✅ Correct
 ◉ Maciavali
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Marx
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Aristotle
✅ Correct
 ◉ Carl marx
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Hastings
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ John Maynard Keynes
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ David Ricardo
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Adam smith
✅ Correct
 ◉ Carl marx
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Anexis
✅ Correct
 ◉ Loss of pesticides
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Plant disease caused loss
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Lack of food production
❌ Incorrect
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Major Science Areas and Their Discoverers 🔗