India is bordered by seven countries: Pakistan to the northwest, China to the north, Nepal and Bhutan to the northeast, Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east, and Sri Lanka to the south across the Indian Ocean.

Here you are given Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on the Neighboring Countries of Indiathe topic of General Knowledge. First of all, you have to read all the GK questions related to Neighboring Countries of India and click on one correct answer for each question. If your answer is correct, you will be displayed with a ✅ sign, but if your answer is wrong, a ❌ sign will be displayed, so that you can identify the correct answer you have given.

Q. Which is the neighboring country of India with the least area?

 ◉ Nepal

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Sri Lanka

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Bangladesh

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Bhutan

✅ Correct

Q. Which Indian Neighbouring country amended her war crimes law in February 2013?

 ◉ Pakistan

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Bangladesh 

✅ Correct

 ◉ Sri Lanka

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Myanmar

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the longitude difference between India and Pakistan in their standard times?

 ◉ 7015 '

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 7030'

✅ Correct

 ◉ 7020 '

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 82,1/2 °

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which country is the third largest country after China and India in terms of population?

 ◉ Japan

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Indonesia

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ No. America

✅ Correct

 ◉ Bangladesh

❌ Incorrect

Q. How many billion US dollars agreement for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor was signed on 12 August 2015?

 ◉ 5 billion US dollars

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 1.6 billion US dollars

✅ Correct

 ◉ 3 billion US dollars

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 2.5 billion US dollars

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which rivers were given to India and Pakistan under the Indus water treaty between India and Pakistan in 1960?

 ◉ Tuivai, Irang and Jaladha to India and Dibang, Tirup and Namfuk Pakistan

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Meghna, Padma and Atrai to India and Mahananda, Kosi and Punpun Pakistan

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Feni, Titas and Howrah to India and Someshwari, Kushiara and Barak Pakistan

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Ravi, Sutlej and Beas to India and Indus, Chenab and Jhelum to Pakistan

✅ Correct

Q. Who is the person who demarcated the line dividing India-Pakistan?

 ◉ Pushpinder Chopra

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ sir cyril radcliffe

✅ Correct

 ◉ Mohammad Ali Jinnah

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Lord Mountbatten

❌ Incorrect

Q. Where is the capital of Dadra and Nagar Haveli?

 ◉ Repression

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Punducherry

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Kavatti

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Silvassa

✅ Correct

Q. You. s. a. On which river is the capital situated?

 ◉ Rhine

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Kanishka

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Potomac

✅ Correct

 ◉ Ashoka

❌ Incorrect

Q. Where is the capital of South Sudan?

 ◉ Mundri West

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ nigero

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Juba

✅ Correct

 ◉ wow

❌ Incorrect

Q. The capital of Colombia is Bogota. Where is the capital of Argentina?

 ◉ Thimphu

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Buenos Aires

✅ Correct

 ◉ Tirne

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Nasao

❌ Incorrect

Q. The capital of Finland is Helsinki. Where is the capital of Switzerland?

 ◉ Santiago

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Djibouti

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Bogota

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Burn

✅ Correct

Q. The new name of Burma is Myanmar and its capital is-

 ◉ Vanity

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Rangoon

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Napidau

✅ Correct

 ◉ Arakan

❌ Incorrect

Q. Which was the first country that recognized Bangladesh when it was formed?

 ◉ India

✅ Correct

 ◉ China

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Pakistan

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Myanmar

❌ Incorrect

Q. What is the currency of Nepal?

 ◉ Pond

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Rupiah

✅ Correct

 ◉ Doller

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Money

❌ Incorrect

Visit link below to learn more about the topic:

List of Neighbouring Countries of India with their Capital & Important Facts 🔗

  Last update :  Mon 5 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  10135
  Post Category :  Geography Quizzes