◉ leaching
✅ Correct
 ◉ soil erosion
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Irritation
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Ashoka
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Kanishka
✅ Correct
 ◉ Satavahana
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Chandra Gupta Mourya
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ American labor unions to limit working hours to no more than 8 hours
✅ Correct
 ◉ Germany surrendered to the friendly nations
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Mahatma Gandhi to return home from South Africa
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ United States drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Kushano
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Partians
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Shako
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ the greeks
✅ Correct
 ◉ Aruna Asif Ali
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Sucheta Kripalani
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Sarojini Naidu
✅ Correct
 ◉ Vijayalakshmi Pandit
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Petty sarita (ril)
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Avnarlika (Street)
✅ Correct
 ◉ Aasto (Sheel)
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Splash
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Jamaica
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ arabica
✅ Correct
 ◉ Waste
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Robusta
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ third five year plan
✅ Correct
 ◉ First five year plan
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Second five year plan
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Fourth five -year plan
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ export promotion
✅ Correct
 ◉ Promise imports
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Implementation and export promotion
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Interest payment by families
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ National income
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Transfer by objectives
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ transfer payments by government
✅ Correct
 ◉ Raw material
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Insufficient production capacity
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Deflation state
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ full industry orientation
✅ Correct
 ◉ Two months
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Five months
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ six months
✅ Correct
 ◉ Four months
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Secular nation
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ a federation of states
✅ Correct
 ◉ A federal nation
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Bharatvarsha
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Mirza Hamidullah Baig
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Ashok Mehta
✅ Correct
 ◉ A. N. Ray
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ why. V. Chandrachud
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Preface
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ directive principles of state policy
✅ Correct
 ◉ Fundamental right
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Seventh schedule
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Lock
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Russians
✅ Correct
 ◉ Hegel
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Plato
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 29 days
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 30 day
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 14 days
✅ Correct
 ◉ 7 Days
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Surma
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Cadmium
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Mercury
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ lead
✅ Correct
 ◉ a female hormone
✅ Correct
 ◉ A pulling hormone
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ A plant
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ sodium bicarbonate
✅ Correct
 ◉ sodium carbonate
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ sodium hydroxide
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ calcium carbonate
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ With fruit
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Originally
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ With a stem
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ from flower bud
✅ Correct
 ◉ 3
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 1
✅ Correct
 ◉ 4
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ 2
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ It has high latent heat of fusion
✅ Correct
 ◉ Its specific heat capacity is low
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ It reflects most of the heat obtained from the sun
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ It becomes very hard
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ thick subcutaneous tissue
✅ Correct
 ◉ Thin dinner tissue
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Both suit
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In the operation of heat-inflammatory fusion
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ in the operation of nuclear fission
✅ Correct
 ◉ In the production of X-rays
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In nuclear acceleration
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In the purple and orange area of light
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In the blue and orange area of light
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ under the light they're in the profit zone
✅ Correct
 ◉ In green and yellow area of light
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Eleven
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Ten
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Eight
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Five
✅ Correct
 ◉ a list ro no ao
✅ Correct
 ◉ Dual list R.N.A.A.
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ A list D.N.A.A.
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Dual list D.N.A.A.
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ potassium dichromate-sulfuric acid (acid)
✅ Correct
 ◉ Turmeric on filter paper
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Potassium permagnet-sulfuric acid
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Silver Nitrate's PRT climbed silica gel
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Eo Vo Radhaswami Naicker
✅ Correct
 ◉ AO Kamaraj
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ CO Rajagopalachari
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ CONO Annadurai
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Indian Council Act of 1861
✅ Correct
 ◉ Indian Act of 1935
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Act of 1947
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Protection of the lower castes on the arrogance of brahmins and their opportunistic scriptures
✅ Correct
 ◉ Separate constitution to protect low castes
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Reservation for low quoties castes
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Hunt
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ cooker
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Leopard
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ goat
✅ Correct
 ◉ alkaline
✅ Correct
 ◉ Untreated
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Both suit
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Bill Gates
✅ Correct
 ◉ Mukesh Ambani
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Mark zuckerberg
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ None of them
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In writing
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In dance
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ In literature
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ in classical speech music
✅ Correct
 ◉ Bardoli satyagraha
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Non-Cooperation Movement
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Rallet act
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Ahmedabad strike of 1918
✅ Correct
 ◉ French ideals of freedom and fraternity
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ British constitution
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ American Constitution
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ Government of India Act, 1935
✅ Correct
 ◉ from one organism to another
✅ Correct
 ◉ Low latitude to high latitude
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ River from the creatures of land by river
❌ Incorrect
 ◉ From the ground to the ground
❌ Incorrect