Find Hindi meaning of Ebb. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Ebb" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Ebb" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionmove away from the land
Hindi Meaning of Ebbज्वार का उतार, क्षय, घटता हुआ, ह्रास, उतारना, कम होना, क्षीण होना, मन्द पड़ना
Synonyms of EbbAbatement, Letup, Wane
Antonyms of EbbIncline, Increase, Rise

Use of "Ebb" word in sentences, examples

  • The energies to ebb and flow.
  • its natural tidal ebb and flow.
  • hearing the waves ebb and flow.
  • when the body lays at low ebb,.
  • Jean, life was at its lowest ebb.

Similar words of "Ebb"

Abateधीमा, मध्यम, मन्द, शान्त, कम करना, घटाना, रोकना, उपशमन, निवारण, समाप्त करना
Recedeधुंधला पड़ना, पीछे हटना, हाथ उठाना, पीठ दिखाना, बाज आना, घटना, दूर जाना
Retrogradeउल्टा, पश्चगामी, प्रतिगामी, पीछे जाने वाला, बदतर होना, पतन होना, अभिघात कल से पूर्व
Subsideबैठ जाना, शांत पड़ना, धीमा होना नीचे होना, घटना, उतर जाना, धँस जाना

Ebb FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Ebb is, ज्वार का उतार, क्षय, घटता हुआ, ह्रास, उतारना, कम होना, क्षीण होना, मन्द पड़ना.

Similar words for Ebb are Abatement, Letup, Wane.

The Definition of Ebb is move away from the land.

Incline, Increase, Rise, are antonyms of the Ebb word.

Ebb is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5559
  Post Category :  E Letter Words and Meaning