Find Hindi meaning of Ebullient. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Ebullient" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Ebullient" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitioncheerful and full of energy
Hindi Meaning of Ebullientप्रचुर, समृद्ध, हरा-भरा, उर्वर, उपजाऊ, उल्सित, बाहुल्य, आधिक्य
Synonyms of EbullientEffervescent, Exuberant, Sparkling
Antonyms of EbullientDepressed, Apathetic, Disinterested

Use of "Ebullient" word in sentences, examples

  • Born in London, the ebullient Purcell has been cooking since he was 11 years old. 
  • The ebullient Shriver waged an energetic and optimistic campaign in a hopeless cause.
  • Take this recent photoshop battle, featuring an ebullient baby sloth, who couldn't be more thrilled than to hang out on a rail and smile at you.
  • The five-day Durga puja festival came to an end in a colourful and ebullient way on Tuesday. 
  • The festivalgoers were ebullient white women of all ages, but mostly of the age late-twenties.

Ebullient FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Ebullient is, प्रचुर, समृद्ध, हरा-भरा, उर्वर, उपजाऊ, उल्सित, बाहुल्य, आधिक्य.

Similar words for Ebullient are Effervescent, Exuberant, Sparkling.

The Definition of Ebullient is cheerful and full of energy.

Depressed, Apathetic, Disinterested, are antonyms of the Ebullient word.

Ebullient is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4245
  Post Category :  E Letter Words and Meaning