Find Hindi meaning of Egotism. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Egotism" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Egotism" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitionthe fact of being excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself.
Hindi Meaning of Egotismअभिमान, अहंभाव, अहंकार, मिथ्याभिमान, घमण्ड, मद, स्वप्रतिष्ठा, आन
Synonyms of EgotismPride, Vanity, Arrogance
Antonyms of EgotismHumility, Meelmess, Servility

Use of "Egotism" word in sentences, examples

  • His is history as neurotic fetish, egotism's scar—not space for reflection.”
  • To their credit, this never translated to ham-handedness or egotism; just restrained innovation. 
  • Instead, Mr. Trump has many of the qualities of a dictator -- arrogance, power-seeking, egotism, an attitude to win at all costs.
  • Strange is a man of science who overcomes his foolish egotism and rationalism to become champion-warrior of the astral plane.
  • Benedict Cumberbatch is cast to perfection here. The audience follows his path from egotism to mysticism.

Similar words of "Egotism"

Arroganceघमण्ड, अहंकार, दर्प, अक्खड़पन, हेकड़ी

Egotism FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Egotism is, अभिमान, अहंभाव, अहंकार, मिथ्याभिमान, घमण्ड, मद, स्वप्रतिष्ठा, आन.

Similar words for Egotism are Pride, Vanity, Arrogance.

The Definition of Egotism is the fact of being excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself..

Humility, Meelmess, Servility, are antonyms of the Egotism word.

Egotism is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4365
  Post Category :  E Letter Words and Meaning