Find Hindi meaning of Eloquent. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Eloquent" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Eloquent" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionfluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.
Hindi Meaning of Eloquentसुवक्ता, भावपूर्वक, वाकपटु, बहुत बोलने वाला, मन हरण, वाग्मी, शब्द चतुर
Synonyms of EloquentArticulate, Exalted, Significant
Antonyms of EloquentDull, Insignificant, Meaningless

Use of "Eloquent" word in sentences, examples

  • "An intelligent, eloquent, and stirring sci-fi that grips from start to finish".
  • They also serve as an eloquent reminder of how rotten much of the party has become.
  • She is eloquent, hard-driving and outspoken.
  • An eloquent defense of the Black Lives Matter movement has come from an unlikely source: the white CEO of a major American corporation.
  • "I do not think we could have a more striking and eloquent example of the stability of our constitutional system."

Similar words of "Eloquent"

Articulateसन्धियुक्त, जोड़ा हुआ, गठजोड़, गांठदार, सुस्पष्ट, स्पष्ट, स्पष्ट उच्चारण करना
Elevateबुलन्द करना, बढ़ाना, पदोन्नति करना, उन्नत करना, ऊँचा उठाना, बौद्धिक व नैतिक उत्थान
Significantमहत्वपूर्ण, सार्थक, अर्थगर्भित, अभिव्यंजक

Eloquent FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Eloquent is, सुवक्ता, भावपूर्वक, वाकपटु, बहुत बोलने वाला, मन हरण, वाग्मी, शब्द चतुर.

Similar words for Eloquent are Articulate, Exalted, Significant.

The Definition of Eloquent is fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing..

Dull, Insignificant, Meaningless, are antonyms of the Eloquent word.

Eloquent is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3592
  Post Category :  E Letter Words and Meaning