Find Hindi meaning of Excuse. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Excuse" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Excuse" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionforgive someone for a fault
Hindi Meaning of Excuseक्षमा योग्य मुक्ति पाना, माफ़ी योग्य, माफ़ करना, बहाना, जाने देना, छुटकारा पाना, छोड़ देना
Synonyms of ExcuseCondone, Remit, Absolve
Antonyms of ExcuseBlame, Condemn, Incriminate

Use of "Excuse" word in sentences, examples

  • A university professor's response to a student's 'impeccable' excuse for skipping his class has been shared by thousands of Twitter users.
  • I don't believe in the rookie excuse or anything like that. I'm all about just winning ballgames and winning them now.”
  • Sebastian Vettel says he cannot excuse Ferrari's disappointing 2016 form but he believes the team has "raised the bar" compared to last year.
  • Here's what's going on here: Trump is basically offering another pre-excuse for losing.
  • Burglary suspect at Seattle tire shop had unique excuse why he was inside the business.

Similar words of "Excuse"

Condoneमाफ़ करना, छोड़ देना, क्षमा करना, अनदेखी करना, माफ़ करना, जाने देना, ध्यान न देना
Extenuateघटना, काम,लघु,अल्प, हल्का, मुलायम, घिमा, न्यूनीकरण करना

Excuse FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Excuse is, क्षमा योग्य मुक्ति पाना, माफ़ी योग्य, माफ़ करना, बहाना, जाने देना, छुटकारा पाना, छोड़ देना.

Similar words for Excuse are Condone, Remit, Absolve.

The Definition of Excuse is forgive someone for a fault.

Blame, Condemn, Incriminate, are antonyms of the Excuse word.

Excuse is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3735
  Post Category :  E Letter Words and Meaning