Find Hindi meaning of Yield. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Yield" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Yield" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionprovide a natural product
Hindi Meaning of Yieldउपज, पैदावार, प्रतिफल, प्राप्ति, उत्पादन, लाभ, मुनाफा, पैदा करना, पालन करना
Synonyms of YieldProduce, Earn, Abandon
Antonyms of YieldWithhold, Hold, Keep

Use of "Yield" word in sentences, examples

  • The reversal in yields started in March.
  • An investment in General Motors comes with a 4.0 percent dividend yield.
  • The 2015 spike in volatility came amid extreme bund valuations and low market liquidity, after German yields hit an extraordinarily low point.
  • Of course, a high dividend yield isn't necessarily a good sign. 
  • Despite calls for higher interest rates ahead, investors are concerned that markets might be stuck in an extended low-yield environment.

Similar words of "Yield"

Confrontआमना-सामना होना, सम्मुख होना, विरोध करना, मुकाबला करना, मिलान करना, सामना करना
Conquerविजयी होना, जीतना, परास्त करना, अधीन करना, अभिग्रहण करना, हथियाना, भावावेश
Defyविरोध करना, सामना करना, चुनौती देना, तुच्छ समझना, ललकारना
Withstandकाबू पाना, सहन करना, बर्दाश्त करना, विरोध करना, मुकाबला करना, निवारण करना, अप्रभावित रहना

Yield FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Yield is, उपज, पैदावार, प्रतिफल, प्राप्ति, उत्पादन, लाभ, मुनाफा, पैदा करना, पालन करना.

Similar words for Yield are Produce, Earn, Abandon.

The Definition of Yield is provide a natural product.

Withhold, Hold, Keep, are antonyms of the Yield word.

Yield is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3752
  Post Category :  Y Letter Words and Meaning