Words denoting the countries of the world and their nationalities:

Here is a list of the names of different countries of the world in Hindi and English and the words describing their nationality. In Hindi, as the residents of China, Burma, America and Russia etc. are called Chinese, Burmese, American and Russian respectively, similarly in English they are called Chinese, Burman, American, Russian etc. respectively.

To the persons learning English, the words used for these countries and their countrymen in English, in which the color of English can fall on their tongue, are being given below: -

List of words denoting nationality:

Countries  देश  Inhabitants निवासी 
America अमेरिका American अमेरिकन
Argentina अर्जेंटीना Argentine अर्जेंटीनी
Belgium बेल्जियम Belgian बेल्जियाई
Bhutan भूटान Bhutanese भूटान
Burma बर्मा Burmese बर्मी
Canada कनाडा Canadian कैनेडियन
Ceylon सीलोन Ceylonese सय्लोनीज
China चीन Chinese चाइनीज
Egypt मिस्र Egyptian मिस्त्र देश के निवासी
England इंगलैंड English अंग्रेज़ी
France फ्रांस French फ्रेंच
Greece यूनान Greek यूनानी
India भारत Indian भारतीय
Iraq इराक Iraqi इराक
Ireland आयरलैंड Irish आयरिश
Israel इजराइल Israeli इजरायल
Italy इटली Italian इटालियन
Kuwait कुवैट Kuwaiti कुवैती
Malaya मलाया Malayan मलायी
Morocco मोरक्को Moroccan मोरक्को
Nepal नेपाल Nepalese नेपाली
Pakistan पाकिस्तान Pakistani पाकिस्तानी
Pollen पॉलेन Pole पोल
Russia रूस Russian रूसी
Sweden स्वीडन Swede स्वीडन देश का निवासी
Turkey तुर्की Turk तुर्क
Yugoslavia यूगोस्लाविया Yugoslav युगोस्लाव

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  Last update :  Wed 30 Nov 2022
  Post Views :  5859
  Post Category :  Word Meanings