Meaning of English words in Hindi: It is often seen that we have difficulty in speaking English and it affects our daily life, due to which we cannot get selected in many interviews or feel embarrassed in front of a stranger. One of the biggest reason to be able to speak English new is that we do not know the meaning of things used in common life in English, keeping this in mind, in this chapter you will learn the names of major animals, major spices of India and the world. Names, Hindi Idioms, Fruits, Nuts, Vegetables, Important Books and their Authors. The steps given in this chapter can make it easier for you on your way to learning English.

Word Meanings (30 LESSONS)

List of names of important studies and exercises: The names of important studies and exercises are given in English and their translation in English as well as Hindi translation is also given.

Common diseases in Humans in Hindi and English language: Read About different types of diseases occurring in the human body have been given in both Hindi and English language. Boil or wound is called Abscess, deficiency of blood is called Anemia.

List of Animal Sounds: Major animals found in India and the world, about the names of animals and their children, their sounds. The sound of a donkey is called 'braying', the sound of flies is called 'buzzing' and the sound of birds is called 'chirping'.

Read Hindi meaning and usage of important phrases used in English. Like sometimes, occasionally: Great geniuses arise occasionally.

30 Important Group words of Hindi language: In this chapter, the names of important group words used in English have been given in both Hindi and English language.

List of words describing the countries of the world and their nationality in Hindi and English, in Hindi such as China, Burma, America and Russia, the people of the country are called Chinese, Burmese, American and Russian respectively.

Names of diseases and physical conditions of human body In Hindi and English, questions are asked on the basis of names of diseases and physical conditions of human body in various competitive examinations.

List of names of parts of the human body: In this chapter, the names of the major parts of the human body have been given in both Hindi and English languages.

List of Different Types of Clothes/Dresses: Know All Indian and World's Popular Dresses or Clothes Name in Hindi and English language.

Name of major spices of India in Hindi and English language, list of major spices of India, position of India in world spice production etc.

Names of major minerals of the world in Hindi and English language, what are the minerals called? Physical Properties of Minerals Some useful minerals are iron, mica, coal, bauxite, salt, zinc, limestone, etc.

List of Names of India's major Trees and their parts in Hindi and English : Under Ayurveda science, mentions made several thousand years ago about the size, place of origin and their properties of thousands of plants are found.

List of Names of Major Flowers of India and the world in Hindi and English, Flowers are a part of trees and plants. The flowers are used by humans for decoration and medicine.

Major Family Relations and Relations: In this chapter, names of major family relations and relations of India and the world have been given in both Hindi and English language.

List of Names of buildings and their parts Hindi and English: Any structure made by man is called building or house which is made for residence or any other purpose.

List of Household Items Name in Hindi and English: Names of Furniture, Appliances and Items in Hindi and English Here the names of various types of household items used in most people's homes are given in both Hindi and English languages.

Names of different types of tools and equipments in Hindi and English, List of different types of household tools and equipments.

The names of Different types of war Material used in war are given in Hindi and English, here the names of different types of war material used in war are given in both Hindi and English language. Questions are asked on the basis of the name of war material in various competitive exams.

Names of ornaments and jewelery in Hindi and English. Gemstones, coins, or other precious objects are often used in the manufacture of jewelry, and they are usually set in precious metals.

Names of major Musical and Musical instruments of India and the world in Hindi and English, types of Musical and Musical instruments, list of major Musical and Musical instruments of India and the world.

Read what are foods called? Names of different types of food items (ingredients) in Hindi and English. Food items name in Hindi and English.

Read the names of major Professions and occupations in India and the world in Hindi and English. Other words related to business: Trade, Business-establishment, Firm, Occupation, Business, Job, work-business, enterprise.

Names of essential stationery tools in Hindi and English. Writing materials have played a very important role in the history of mankind. Writing materials have not only contributed to the preservation of human culture and history.

Read the names of major insects found in India and the world in Hindi and English. Important insects: Apis (bee) and Bombyx (silk moth), Lacifer (lacquer moth); Disease vector insects, Anopheles, Culex and Aedes (mosquitoes) etc.

Read the Names of important Birds of India and the world in Hindi and English. In biology, animals of the Avis category are called birds. About 10,000 species of this egg-laying vertebrate live on this earth at this time.

Names of major vegetables of India and the world in Hindi and English and types and benefits of vegetables, leafy vegetables, flowering vegetables, seeded vegetables, root vegetables etc.

Dry fruits and their health benefits and names of major dry fruits of India and the world in Hindi and English. Dry fruits are a food category in which dried fruits and fruit kernels come.

Read Hindi Idioms, Their Meaning and Usage: In this chapter, about 670 Idioms and Phrases used in Hindi language are given along with their meaning, which is very useful for your upcoming competitive exams.

Read the list of important 500 two-word verbs which are frequently used in our daily conversation with meaning and sentence example in Hindi.

Fruits Names and their Edible Parts: Know Types of Fruits, Names of Fruits, What are fruits called? And most importantly, which parts of Fruit are Edible. Also Read List of names of major fruits of India and their edible parts


Word Meanings
A Letter Words and Meaning
B Letter Words and Meaning
C Letter Words and Meaning
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E Letter Words and Meaning
F Letter Words and Meaning
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O Letter Words and Meaning
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