An invention is a new product or process that has never been created before. An inventor is a person who creates an invention. Inventors are often motivated by a desire to solve a problem or improve the world.

Here you are given Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on the Invention and Inventorthe topic of General Knowledge. First of all, you have to read all the GK questions related to Invention and Inventor and click on one correct answer for each question. If your answer is correct, you will be displayed with a ✅ sign, but if your answer is wrong, a ❌ sign will be displayed, so that you can identify the correct answer you have given.

Q. Who invented optical fiber?

 ◉ Jayant Narlikar

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Narinder Singh Kapani

✅ Correct

 ◉ G. N. Ramachandran

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ John Tinde

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who invented the aeroplane?

 ◉ Carl benz

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Orville and William Wright

✅ Correct

 ◉ Henry Ford

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Boing

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who invented portland cement?

 ◉ Joseph monier

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ joseph aspdin

✅ Correct

 ◉ Louis wicket

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ John Smitton

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who invented the hydrogen bomb?

 ◉ Auto Han

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Samuel Cohen

✅ Correct

 ◉ Pierre Curie

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Madam Curie

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who was the inventor of computer?

 ◉ Sir John Napier

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Edward Taylor

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Thomas Alva Edison

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Charles Babbage

✅ Correct

Q. Who was awarded the Nobel Prize for inventing the microchip?

 ◉ Carl Wyman

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Eric Cornell

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Wolfgang caterlai

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Jack St. Clair Kilvie

✅ Correct

Q. Who invented the 'Video Tape'?

 ◉ Emile Berliner

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Charles Ginsberg

✅ Correct

 ◉ Ray dolby

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Eugen mayor

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who invented the laser?

 ◉ Nicole Basov

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Charles H. Towns

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Gordon gold

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ T. H. Mamma

✅ Correct

Q. Which is the company that invented the transistor radio?

 ◉ Apple

❌ Incorrect


❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Sony

✅ Correct

 ◉ Motes

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who invented 'Voice Mail'?

 ◉ gordon mathews

✅ Correct

 ◉ Nikola Tesla

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Thomas Alva Edison

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Louis Pasteur

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who invented the World Wide Web?

 ◉ Team Berners Lee

✅ Correct

 ◉ Benjamin Franklin

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Blaze Childard

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Barth Lamy

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who invented the electron microscope?

 ◉ Knoll and Ruska

✅ Correct

 ◉ Robert Coach

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Leuvenhoc

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ CP Swanas

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who invented the Microscope?

 ◉ Guglyelmo Marconi

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Edmund hally

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Jed Johnson

✅ Correct

 ◉ Augustin Fresnell

❌ Incorrect

Q. Who is associated with the invention of nylon?

 ◉ Alakhvarizmi

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Marie Curie

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Divya Suryadevara

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Dr. Wallace H. Carruthers

✅ Correct

Q. Who invented the leprosy bacillus?

 ◉ Henson has

✅ Correct

 ◉ Felcis de Harel

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Al-Khwarajmi

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Jones e Salk

❌ Incorrect

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Major Science Inventions and Inventors List 🔗

  Last update :  Mon 5 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  1874
  Post Category :  Science Quizzes