Find Hindi meaning of Malingerer. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Malingerer" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Malingerer" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiona person who malingers; a shirker.
Hindi Meaning of Malingererकामचोर, छद्मरोगी, मिथ्यारोगी, निकम्मा, निखट्टू, आलसी, ढोंगी
Synonyms of MalingererSlacker, Dodger, Idler
Antonyms of MalingererActive, Alert, Diligent

Use of "Malingerer" word in sentences, examples

  • They're called liars and malingerers because they face pain you can't see
  • Mr Justice Barr said he was also satisfied Ms Seligman was at " the very opposite end of the spectrum to what may be termed a malingerer.
  • But if a malingerer lingers too long it can damage your reputation as a manager as well.
  • It is easy for school officials to dismiss a child as a malingerer.
  • Another myth described him as an insubordinate malingerer and heavy drinker but in truth was a teetotal Methodist minister.

Malingerer FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Malingerer is, कामचोर, छद्मरोगी, मिथ्यारोगी, निकम्मा, निखट्टू, आलसी, ढोंगी.

Similar words for Malingerer are Slacker, Dodger, Idler.

The Definition of Malingerer is a person who malingers; a shirker..

Active, Alert, Diligent, are antonyms of the Malingerer word.

Malingerer is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2815
  Post Category :  M Letter Words and Meaning