Find Hindi meaning of Mercurial. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Mercurial" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Mercurial" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typenoun
Word Definitiona drug or other compound containing mercury.
Hindi Meaning of Mercurialअस्थिर, सक्रिय, पारायुक्त दवा, अधीर, चंचल, चपल, बेठिकाना
Synonyms of MercurialBuoyant, Capricious, Effervescent
Antonyms of MercurialTranquil, Unvarying, Calm

Use of "Mercurial" word in sentences, examples

  • Kylian Mbappé is set to debut Virgil Abloh's Nike Mercurial Vapor 360 on the pitch
  • Mercurial Pakistan continue to confound
  • Mercurial Messi joins football's elite 600 club.
  • Aisha Sharma's latest photoshoot is mercurial hot
  • It's probably a foolish gamble to predict what the mercurial president will do next.

Mercurial FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Mercurial is, अस्थिर, सक्रिय, पारायुक्त दवा, अधीर, चंचल, चपल, बेठिकाना.

Similar words for Mercurial are Buoyant, Capricious, Effervescent.

The Definition of Mercurial is a drug or other compound containing mercury..

Tranquil, Unvarying, Calm, are antonyms of the Mercurial word.

Mercurial is a noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4086
  Post Category :  M Letter Words and Meaning