Find Hindi meaning of Niggard. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Niggard" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Niggard" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typenoun
Word Definitiona mean person
Hindi Meaning of Niggardकंजूस, कृपण, मक्खीचूस, खिड़ा, झुँझलाहर, शिकायत
Synonyms of NiggardMean, Miserly, Parsimonious
Antonyms of NiggardGenerous, Unselfish, Kind

Use of "Niggard" word in sentences, examples

  • Year in and year out, imports from China overwhelm our niggard export shipments.
  • Nature is prodigal in variety, but niggard in innovation.
  • Scrooge was a niggard, pinchgut and hoarder.
  • While on the topic of dictionaries, there is this word, niggard, which means to be stingy, cheap, selfish, and ungenerous.
  • Thickly-muffled glass of the small iron-barred window beneath which one sits is grey and niggard.

Similar words of "Niggard"

Miserlyकंजूस, कृपण, मक्खीचूस, लालची, अति लोभी
Parsimoniousअल्पव्ययी,कंजूस, किफायती, कृपण, मितव्ययी, मक्खीचूस
Stingyकंजूस, कृपण, लोभी, जरा-सा अत्यल्प

Niggard FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Niggard is, कंजूस, कृपण, मक्खीचूस, खिड़ा, झुँझलाहर, शिकायत.

Similar words for Niggard are Mean, Miserly, Parsimonious.

The Definition of Niggard is a mean person.

Generous, Unselfish, Kind, are antonyms of the Niggard word.

Niggard is a noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2540
  Post Category :  N Letter Words and Meaning