Find Hindi meaning of Nimble. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Nimble" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Nimble" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typeadjective
Word Definitionquick and light in movement or action
Hindi Meaning of Nimbleदक्ष, तेज़, फुर्तीला, सक्रिय, द्रुतगामी, कुशल, चालक, चुस्त
Synonyms of NimbleAgile, Brisk, Facile
Antonyms of NimbleAwkward, Clumsy, Lumbering

Use of "Nimble" word in sentences, examples

  • Video games may help ageing pooches stay mentally nimble.
  • Demonstrates the true value of a smart and nimble approach to exploration drilling.
  • Nimble and quick may describe some of our NCAA athletes on the court.
  • It does require investors to be nimble and adjust to current conditions
  • Storage and back-up vendor, Cohesity, has named former Nimble Storage director of sales.

Similar words of "Nimble"

Adroitदक्ष, चतुर, कुशल, योग्य, बुद्धिमान, कलाबाज
Agileमुस्तैद, कुशल, चपल, चालाक, चुस्त, तेज़, दक्ष, फुर्तीला, स्फूर्तिमान
Facileमिलनसार, मुलायम, सरल, सहज, सीधा, सुगम, सुनम्य, सुसाध्य, आसान, कुशल, फुर्तीला

Nimble FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Nimble is, दक्ष, तेज़, फुर्तीला, सक्रिय, द्रुतगामी, कुशल, चालक, चुस्त.

Similar words for Nimble are Agile, Brisk, Facile.

The Definition of Nimble is quick and light in movement or action.

Awkward, Clumsy, Lumbering, are antonyms of the Nimble word.

Nimble is a adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3018
  Post Category :  N Letter Words and Meaning