Find Hindi meaning of Wary. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Wary" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Wary" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionfeeling or showing danger problem
Hindi Meaning of Waryचौकन्ना, चौकस, सावधान, होशियार, सजग, आसंकित, सावधान, दूरदर्शी
Synonyms of WaryVigilant, Wakeful, Cautious
Antonyms of WaryCareless, Indiscreet, Reckless

Use of "Wary" word in sentences, examples

  • The Reserve Bank of India is still wary of upside risks for inflation despite a sharp fall in price pressures in February
  • It was dark wherever he'd brought her, and she looked around in wary curiosity
  • His expression went from surprise to wary and on to amused in the space of a heartbeat.
  • For a moment he gazed down at her with a wary expression on his face and in his eyes.
  • She approached nervously, her curiosity tempered by the need to be wary of strangers.

Similar words of "Wary"

Alertचौकन्ना, चौकस, सतर्क, फुर्तीला,तेज़, चेतावनी, संकट, सुचना, आकुल स्थिति, सावधान करना
Cautiousचौकस, चतुर, सतर्क, सावधान
Headlongअंधाधुंध, बिना सोचे-समझे, बड़ी तेजी से, सिर के बल, जल्दबाजी में अविचारी
Recklessअव्हेट, अविचारी, असावधान, ग़ाफ़िल, बेपरवाह, उतावला, अक्खड़, दु:साहसी

Wary FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Wary is, चौकन्ना, चौकस, सावधान, होशियार, सजग, आसंकित, सावधान, दूरदर्शी.

Similar words for Wary are Vigilant, Wakeful, Cautious.

The Definition of Wary is feeling or showing danger problem.

Careless, Indiscreet, Reckless, are antonyms of the Wary word.

Wary is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3561
  Post Category :  W Letter Words and Meaning