Frances Arnold Biography - Birth date, Achievements, Career, Family, Awards
Through this chapter, we will know important and interesting facts related to Frances Arnold such as his personal information, education and career, achievements and honored awards and many more. Important facts related to Frances Arnold given in this topic have been collected, which will help you in preparing for competitive exams.
Frances Arnold Quick General Knowledge
Frances Arnold (Frances Arnold)
Real name
Frances Hamilton Arnold
Date of Birth
25 July 1956
Birth Place
Edgewood, Pennsylvania, United States
Monther & Father Name
Josephine Inman / William Howard Arnold
2016 - The first woman to win the Millennium Technology Prize
Profession / Country
Female / Scientist / United States of america
Frances Arnold - The first woman to win the Millennium Technology Prize (2016)
Frances Arnold is an American scientist and engineer. They developed methods to construct advanced biological systems, including enzymes, metabolic pathways, genetic regulatory circuits, and organisms. In 2018, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the use of directed development to engineer enzymes.
Frances Arnold was born on 25 Coolie 1956 in Pittsburgh, United States. His full name is Francis Hamilton Arnold. His father's name was William Howard Arnold and mother's name was Josephine Inman. His father is an American nuclear physicist.
Frances Arnold graduated from the local city of Taylor Elderdis High School in 1974. Arnold earned his BS in 1979. Degree in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Princeton University, where he focused on solar energy research. In addition to his major courses, he took classes in Economics, Russian and Italian and envisioned himself to be a diplomat or CEO, even contemplating obtaining an advanced degree in international affairs. She began studying with Princeton's Center for Energy and Environmental Studies - a group of scientists and engineers, led by Robert Sokolow, to develop sustainable energy sources. After graduating from Princeton in 1979, Arnold worked in South Korea and Brazil and as an engineer at the Solar Energy Research Institute in Colorado. At the Solar Energy Research Institute (now the National Renewable Energy Laboratory), he worked on designing solar energy facilities for remote locations, then enrolled at the University of California, Berkeley, where he earned his PhD. A degree in Chemical Engineering in 1985 and a keen interest in biochemistry in the process. His thesis work was done in the laboratory of Harvey Warren Blanch
After earning his PhD, Arnold completed postdoctoral research in biogeochemical chemistry at Berkeley. In 1986, she joined the California Institute of Technology as an associate. He was promoted as Assistant Professor in 1986, Associate Professor in 1992 and Full Professor in 1996. He was named Dick and Barbara Dickinson Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, and Biochemistry in 2000 and his current position, in 2017, was Linus Pauling Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering and Biochemistry. In 2013, she appeared in Caltech's Donna and Benjamin M. Rosen was appointed director of the bioengineering center. Arnold is a member of the Advisory Board of the Joint Bioengineering Institute and Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering, and serves on the Advisory Council of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. He is currently serving as a judge for the Queen Elizabeth Award for Engineering. She worked with the National Academy of Science's Science and Entertainment Exchange to help Hollywood screenwriters portray science topics correctly. He is a co-inventor on over 40 US patents. In 2005, he co-founded Gevo, Inc., a fuel and chemicals company with renewable resources. In 2013, she and two of her former students, Peter Minhold and Pedro Coelho, called a company called Provivi to research pesticide substitutes for crop protection. He is on the corporate board of genomics company Illumina Inc. since 2016.
Frances Arnold FAQs:
Frances Arnold is to be known as the The first woman to win the Millennium Technology Prize in 2016.
Frances Arnold full name was Frances Hamilton Arnold.
Frances Arnold father name was William Howard Arnold.