Find Hindi meaning of Fragile. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Fragile" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Fragile" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionan object which can easily broken or damaged
Hindi Meaning of Fragileभंगुर, भुरभुरा, मुलायम, सुकुमार, कमजोर, कोमल, दुर्बल, फुसफुसा, नाजुक
Synonyms of FragileBrittle, Delicate, Puny
Antonyms of FragileDurable, Strong, Firm

Use of "Fragile" word in sentences, examples

  • The homecare market in Wales is in a 'fragile' state with inflexible and rushed visits, according to inspectors.
  • The sharp sell-off for the pound highlighted again that the pound remains fragile in the near-term.
  • Talks are due to resume next Thursday on the fragile accord. 
  • It appears that the glass component is fragile.
  • We want to ask questions of them and see if they are fragile.

Similar words of "Fragile"

Decrepitनिर्बल, जराक्रांत, जर्जर, जीर्ण, अशक्त, कमजोर, निर्बल, मामूली, पीड़ित
Feebleअशक्त, कमजोर, क्षीण शक्ति, दुर्बल, निर्बल, मामूली
Potentसक्षम, बलवान, गुणकारी, सप्रभाव

Fragile FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Fragile is, भंगुर, भुरभुरा, मुलायम, सुकुमार, कमजोर, कोमल, दुर्बल, फुसफुसा, नाजुक.

Similar words for Fragile are Brittle, Delicate, Puny.

The Definition of Fragile is an object which can easily broken or damaged.

Durable, Strong, Firm, are antonyms of the Fragile word.

Fragile is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3270
  Post Category :  F Letter Words and Meaning