Find Hindi meaning of Judicious. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Judicious" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Judicious" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionhaving showing with good sense
Hindi Meaning of Judiciousविवेकपूर्ण, विवेचित, तर्कसंगत, न्यायपूर्ण, विवेकी, प्रज्ञ, बुद्धिमान, समझदार
Synonyms of JudiciousPrudent, Rational, Balanced
Antonyms of JudiciousReckless, Thoughtless, Irrational

Use of "Judicious" word in sentences, examples

  • Andhra Pradesh is making judicious use of technology to frame and implement policies suited to the needs of the industry.
  • It's a real problem. But there is judicious use.
  • Sustainable agricultural production depends on the judicious use of natural resources
  • amil Nadu had given a reasonable and judicious quantum of water to the neighbour.
  • He said many volunteer groups are emerging who are contributing to accountability and judicious use of power and resources.

Similar words of "Judicious"

Astuteकपटी, कुटिल, कुशाग्र बुद्धि, घाघ, चतुर, चालक, धूर्त, बुद्धिमान, विदग्ध
Biasedअभिनत, पक्षपातपूर्ण, तरफदार, एकतरफा रुख, एकांगी, के पक्ष में झुकना
Rationalन्यायसंगत, तर्कपूर्ण, उचित, बुद्धिमान
Sagaciousदूरदर्शी, निपुण, बुद्धिमान, विलक्षण, झीन, कुशाग्र बुद्धि, सूक्ष्मदर्शी
Saneसन्तुलित, समझदार, संतुष्ट, स्वस्थ, समझदारीपूर्ण, प्रकृतिस्थ, दूरदर्शी, बुद्धिमान

Judicious FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Judicious is, विवेकपूर्ण, विवेचित, तर्कसंगत, न्यायपूर्ण, विवेकी, प्रज्ञ, बुद्धिमान, समझदार.

Similar words for Judicious are Prudent, Rational, Balanced.

The Definition of Judicious is having showing with good sense.

Reckless, Thoughtless, Irrational, are antonyms of the Judicious word.

Judicious is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4356
  Post Category :  J Letter Words and Meaning