Find Hindi meaning of Juncture. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Juncture" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Juncture" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiona place where thing join
Hindi Meaning of Junctureसूक्ष्म समय, जो, मेल, मोड़, योग, सही समय, अभिक्याक्ति, संधि-योजन
Synonyms of JunctureConnection, Seam, Coupling
Antonyms of JunctureDisconnection, Disjoint, Anticlimax

Use of "Juncture" word in sentences, examples

  • We believe indices are overvalued at the current juncture and would not advocate entering fresh longs at this juncture.
  • This date should prove to be a critical juncture in Valeant's trajectory. 
  • It is still running ahead of Titanic in terms of legs at this juncture. 
  • A proposed reconstruction of the western juncture of Albert and Slater streets should have a goal
  • Ethiopia is at a critical political juncture, analysts say, after the snap resignation of the country's prime minister.

Similar words of "Juncture"

Exigencyअत्यावश्यकता, आपदा, संकटकाल, बहुत जरुरी, आपात्कालीन स्थिति

Juncture FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Juncture is, सूक्ष्म समय, जो, मेल, मोड़, योग, सही समय, अभिक्याक्ति, संधि-योजन.

Similar words for Juncture are Connection, Seam, Coupling.

The Definition of Juncture is a place where thing join.

Disconnection, Disjoint, Anticlimax, are antonyms of the Juncture word.

Juncture is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2079
  Post Category :  J Letter Words and Meaning