Find Hindi meaning of Outwit. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Outwit" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Outwit" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typeverb
Word Definitiondeceive by greater ingenuity.
Hindi Meaning of Outwitमात कर देना, अधिक चालक होना, चकमा देना, जालसाजी करना, धोखा देना
Synonyms of OutwitOutmaneuver, Outsmart, Outthink
Antonyms of OutwitGive Up, Lose, Fail

Use of "Outwit" word in sentences, examples

  • How do you outwit a troll?
  • Outwit Your Opponents In Mark Of The Ninja Remastered
  • You will soon know what it is to feel like a ninja, relying on silence, agility, and murderous smarts to outwit your opponents.
  • Riddles and funny memes outwit online censors
  • A new piece of puzzle of how herpesviruses outwit the immune system Humans are constantly exposed to pathogens like bacteria and viruses.

Outwit FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Outwit is, मात कर देना, अधिक चालक होना, चकमा देना, जालसाजी करना, धोखा देना.

Similar words for Outwit are Outmaneuver, Outsmart, Outthink.

The Definition of Outwit is deceive by greater ingenuity..

Give Up, Lose, Fail, are antonyms of the Outwit word.

Outwit is a verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3189
  Post Category :  O Letter Words and Meaning