Find Hindi meaning of Outrageous. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Outrageous" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Outrageous" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typeadjective
Word Definitionshockingly bad or excessive.
Hindi Meaning of Outrageousउपद्रवी, घ्रणित, घोर, बेहिसाब, सख्त, चौंका देने वाला, घटिया, भद्दा
Synonyms of OutrageousAtrocious, Heinous, Monstrous
Antonyms of OutrageousSensible, Reasonable, Magnificent

Use of "Outrageous" word in sentences, examples

  • I find it "outrageous" that Bishop should so monstrously distort and exaggerate our past.
  • I asked real estate experts to share some of their most outrageous listings.
  • Super Snack Time with a similar missionto become America's most outrageous and Instagram-worthy food brand.
  • Developing a national strategy to rid this country of these outrageous thefts by criminal gangs
  • His form is outrageous,” Real defender Nacho said.

Similar words of "Outrageous"

Heinousघोर, जघन्य, दारुण, बुरा, अतिदुष्ट, कड़वा, क्रूर, भयानक, बिलकुल गलत
Moderateविनर्म, संयत, शान्त, उदार, नियंत्रित, मध्यम

Outrageous FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Outrageous is, उपद्रवी, घ्रणित, घोर, बेहिसाब, सख्त, चौंका देने वाला, घटिया, भद्दा.

Similar words for Outrageous are Atrocious, Heinous, Monstrous.

The Definition of Outrageous is shockingly bad or excessive..

Sensible, Reasonable, Magnificent, are antonyms of the Outrageous word.

Outrageous is a adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2845
  Post Category :  O Letter Words and Meaning