Major Countries of the World and Their Ancient Names: Here is important general knowledge information about the present and ancient names of the world's major countries. Generally questions related to this list are asked in competitive exams. If you are preparing for various competitive exams like: IAS, Teacher, UPSC, PCS, SSC, Bank, MBA and other government jobs, then you must know about the old names of all the countries of the major countries of the world.

List of old names of all countries of the world:

Current names of major countries of the world Ancient names of major countries of the world
Ankara, Turkey Angora, Turkey
Algeria Nimedia
Ashwal (Ashapalli) Ahmedabad
Istanbul, Turkey Constantinople, Turkey
Ethiopia Abyssinia
Iraq Mesopotamia
Iran Persia
Abyssinia Ethiopia
Ellis Islands Tuvalu
Cambodia Kampuchea
Congo Zaire
Democratic Republic of the Congo Zaire
Kampuchea Cambodia
Calicut Kozhikode
Central province Madhya Pradesh
Cape Canaveral Cape Kennedy
Constantinople Istanbul
Cochin Kochi
Korea (North and South) Chosan
Gilbert Island kiribati
Ghana Ghana
China (North) Cathy
China (South) Manga
Czech Republic and Slovakia Bohemia, Moravia, Czechoslovakia
Zambia Northern Rhodesia
Zimbabwe Southern Rhodenia
Tokyo, Japan Edo
Dutch East Indies Indonesia
Dutch Guiana Surinam
Tanzania Tanganyika and Zanzibar, German East Africa
Taiwan Formosa
Thailand Siam
Namibia South west africa
East pakistan Bangladesh
East Timor Timor Lestal
Formosa Taiwan
France Gaul
French sudan Gardner
French Somaliland Djibouti
Djibouti Myanmar
Basutholand Lesotho
Batavia Jakarta (capital of Indonesia)
Beijing, China Peking, China
Burkina Faso Upper volta
Bechuanaland Botswana
British Guinea Guyana
British Honduras Belize
India Aryavarta
Central African Republic, Chad French Equatorial Africa
Gardner Sudanese Republic
Moldova Moldavia
Myanmar Burma
Rwanda and Burundi German east
Africa Libya Tripolitania and Cyrenaica
lan zhang Laos
Vietnam Cochin-China (South), Annam (Central), Tonkin (North)
Sri Lanka Ceylon
St. Petersburg, Russia Petrograd and Leningrad, Russia
Ivory Coast Cote d'voir

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  Last update :  Tue 23 Aug 2022
  Post Views :  25027
  Post Category :  Medieval World History