Find Hindi meaning of Brazen. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Brazen" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Brazen" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionbold and without shame.
Hindi Meaning of Brazenनिर्लज्ज, बेशर्म, ध्रष्ट, अक्खड़, उजड्ड, दु:साहसी, बदतमीज़
Synonyms of BrazenPushy, Audacious, Nervy
Antonyms of BrazenShy, Meek, Humble

Use of "Brazen" word in sentences, examples

  • The brazen assault on the highly secured site was claimed by the IS group's Amaq news agency.
  • Hanumantharaya had not only grabbed her from behind, but brazenly taken a selfie while at it.
  • Vaughan couple arrested in brazen New Brunswick diamond theft
  • This is the moment a brazen intruder loses his pants as he scrambles out a tiny bathroom window.
  • A reckless van driver has been filmed careering the wrong way down a road in what appears to be a brazen attempt to dodge traffic. 

Similar words of "Brazen"

Blatantस्पष्ट, खुला, ज्ञात, धोर, धधकता हुआ, तीक्ष्ण, प्रत्यक्ष, सुप्रकाशित
Obsequiousचापलूस, मक्खनबाज, खुशामदी, जी-हुजूरी, चाकर, टहलुया
Presumptuousढीठ, ध्रष्ट, कल्पित, अक्खड़, अभिमानी, गुस्ताख़, भड़कीला
Pushyअति, महत्वकांक्षी, दस्तंदाज़, पीतल का
Servileदास जैसा, जी-हुजूरिया, ताबेदार, दास, नीच, दास्वत, ज्यो-का-त्वों
Timorousडरपोक, डरा हुआ, भयावह, भयभीत, विकत, अरुचिकर, अकथनीय, अरुण, प्रचंड

Brazen FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Brazen is, निर्लज्ज, बेशर्म, ध्रष्ट, अक्खड़, उजड्ड, दु:साहसी, बदतमीज़.

Similar words for Brazen are Pushy, Audacious, Nervy.

The Definition of Brazen is bold and without shame..

Shy, Meek, Humble , are antonyms of the Brazen word.

Brazen is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4865
  Post Category :  B Letter Words and Meaning