Find Hindi meaning of Crestfallen. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Crestfallen" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Crestfallen" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionsad and disappointed.
Hindi Meaning of Crestfallenनिराश, हतोत्साहित, निरुत्साहित, उदास, व्यथित, दुःखी, संतापी, क्षोभपूर्ण
Synonyms of CrestfallenDejected, Depressed, Despondent
Antonyms of CrestfallenElated, Excited, Heartened

Use of "Crestfallen" word in sentences, examples

  • The journalistic fraternity in the State is crestfallen, so are others with the spread of the news of demise of the veteran journalist.
  • At nearby Bloxwich library, Beverley Horton, 27, looked crestfallen at the news it was on the brink of closure. 
  • Maybe none of us more so than William, who looks absolutely crestfallen at the realisation he's going to have to leave his outside bubble bath.
  • These places are as morose as they are eerie and it may leave you crestfallen, heavy and tearful. But they must be visited.
  • Rumors have also spread in the air that Johnny Depp and crestfallen Angelina Jolie are spending time together.

Crestfallen FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Crestfallen is, निराश, हतोत्साहित, निरुत्साहित, उदास, व्यथित, दुःखी, संतापी, क्षोभपूर्ण.

Similar words for Crestfallen are Dejected, Depressed, Despondent.

The Definition of Crestfallen is sad and disappointed..

Elated, Excited, Heartened, are antonyms of the Crestfallen word.

Crestfallen is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3812
  Post Category :  C Letter Words and Meaning