Find Hindi meaning of Cupidity. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Cupidity" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Cupidity" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiongreed for money or possessions.
Hindi Meaning of Cupidityलोभ, लालच, धनलोलुपता, तृष्णा, अर्थलिप्सा
Synonyms of CupidityAcquisitiveness, Avarice, Avidity
Antonyms of CupidityDislike, Generosity, Distaste

Use of "Cupidity" word in sentences, examples

  • It has become, in his view, a hubristic outlook that inspires wastefulness, cupidityand avarice. 
  • This is the only way to remove egoism, cupidity, arrogance, vanity and worldliness from ourselves.
  • There is campaign cupidity among the No Labels group, too, and special interests are rewarding them.
  • Here, authentic independence was sacrificed at the altar of cupidity, self-empowerment, and realpolitik. 
  • The fact that she will be the oldest president ever at inauguration itself says a lot about the limitless cupidity of the Boomer political gen.

Similar words of "Cupidity"

Avariceलालच, लोभ, धन लोलुपता, धनाकांक्षा, चाह, उत्सुकता

Cupidity FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Cupidity is, लोभ, लालच, धनलोलुपता, तृष्णा, अर्थलिप्सा.

Similar words for Cupidity are Acquisitiveness, Avarice, Avidity.

The Definition of Cupidity is greed for money or possessions..

Dislike, Generosity, Distaste, are antonyms of the Cupidity word.

Cupidity is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4085
  Post Category :  C Letter Words and Meaning