Find Hindi meaning of Cumbersome. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Cumbersome" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Cumbersome" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionlarge or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use
Hindi Meaning of Cumbersomeदु:खदायी, बोझिल, भारी, जटिल, जोरदार तगड़ा, तगड़े डील-डोल वाला
Synonyms of CumbersomeHeavy, Lumpish, Ponderous
Antonyms of CumbersomeGraceful, Adroit, Elegant

Use of "Cumbersome" word in sentences, examples

  • So access through the health post is impossible and access through the main gate is cumbersomeand timeconsuming,” she said.
  • In a state like Himachal acquisition and transfer the land was a long and cumbersome process.
  • Now if that's fine for you then go for it, Spring Boot out of the box is a great solution but for me I just find Hibernate too cumbersome.
  • They have to grapple with the tasks of building a scalable infrastructure, adding new expertise and managing cumbersome integrations.
  • Requiring a dedicated token for accessing business resources is cumbersome, and it has often derailed deployments.

Similar words of "Cumbersome"

Ponderousभरी-भरकम, श्रमसाध्य, कष्टकारक, वजनदार, परेशानी बढ़ाना, तगड़ा, जोरदार

Cumbersome FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Cumbersome is, दु:खदायी, बोझिल, भारी, जटिल, जोरदार तगड़ा, तगड़े डील-डोल वाला.

Similar words for Cumbersome are Heavy, Lumpish, Ponderous.

The Definition of Cumbersome is large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use.

Graceful, Adroit, Elegant, are antonyms of the Cumbersome word.

Cumbersome is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3134
  Post Category :  C Letter Words and Meaning