Find Hindi meaning of Curtail. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Curtail" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Curtail" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionreduce in extent or quantity
Hindi Meaning of Curtailघटाना, कम करना, काटना, संक्षित करना
Synonyms of CurtailAbbreviate, Abridge, Condense
Antonyms of CurtailExtend, Lengthen, Prolong

Use of "Curtail" word in sentences, examples

  • School activities are being curtailed due to new structure of syllabus.
  • You are supposed to curtail the entire report in two pages.
  • Protest should not be curtailed form the social context.
  • The new laws should be made to curtail child labor.
  • We have to curtail this Graphic Icon to the minimum space coverage.

Similar words of "Curtail"

Extendफैलाना, तानना, देना, बढ़ाना, विस्तृत करना, निमंत्रण देना, प्रसार होना, व्यापक
Lapकतरना, छांटना, अलग करना, काट डालना, संक्षिप्त करना, छोटा करना, पृथक करना
Retrenchसीमा बंधना, किफ़ायत करना, खर्च घटना, मोर्चा बांधना, काम करना, काट डालना, निकलना

Curtail FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Curtail is, घटाना, कम करना, काटना, संक्षित करना.

Similar words for Curtail are Abbreviate, Abridge, Condense.

The Definition of Curtail is reduce in extent or quantity.

Extend, Lengthen, Prolong, are antonyms of the Curtail word.

Curtail is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5263
  Post Category :  C Letter Words and Meaning