Find Hindi meaning of Imbue. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Imbue" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Imbue" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitioninspire
Hindi Meaning of Imbueव्याप्त होना, प्रभावित करना, दिल पर असर डालना, अंतवर्धन करना, परस्पर अनुप्रदेश
Synonyms of ImbueFreight, Impregnate, Permeate
Antonyms of ImbueDrain, Withdraw, Empty

Use of "Imbue" word in sentences, examples

  • The strong performances at the heart of the show similarly imbue it with a tense atmosphere
  • He manages to imbue a vibration that cuts right through your soul.
  • Pluto's energy can be very overwhelming, but it can also imbue us with confidence.
  • You look at the whole of that and you realize all of those memories just imbue every part of that episode.
  • Anki is hardly the first to imbue a toy with machine smarts, of course.

Similar words of "Imbue"

Pervadeपैठना, प्रवेश करना, घुस जाना, व्याप्त होना, असर डालना, भेदना, पता लगाना

Imbue FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Imbue is, व्याप्त होना, प्रभावित करना, दिल पर असर डालना, अंतवर्धन करना, परस्पर अनुप्रदेश.

Similar words for Imbue are Freight, Impregnate, Permeate.

The Definition of Imbue is inspire.

Drain, Withdraw, Empty, are antonyms of the Imbue word.

Imbue is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3117
  Post Category :  I Letter Words and Meaning