Find Hindi meaning of Impassioned. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Impassioned" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Impassioned" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionfilled with
Hindi Meaning of Impassionedउत्साहित, उत्सुक, व्यग्र, घोर स्पष्ट, धधकते हुय, उतकट, जोशीला तीव्र
Synonyms of ImpassionedArdent, Blazing, Fervent
Antonyms of ImpassionedFrigid, Uncaring, Indifferent

Use of "Impassioned" word in sentences, examples

  • Prince Harry today made a graphic and impassioned plea to the world to save the wild African elephant.
  • Addressing the congregation, Fr Gerard Tremer made an impassioned plea for young people to avoid risking their lives with drugs.
  • A teen's impassioned plea for an educated, engaged electorate.
  • Dressed as a police officer, the rapper delivered a minute-long performance that grew more and more impassioned as it unfolded.
  • When asked "What do you care about", the 73-year-old let rip in an impassioned rant against the billionaire businessman.

Impassioned FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Impassioned is, उत्साहित, उत्सुक, व्यग्र, घोर स्पष्ट, धधकते हुय, उतकट, जोशीला तीव्र.

Similar words for Impassioned are Ardent, Blazing, Fervent.

The Definition of Impassioned is filled with.

Frigid, Uncaring, Indifferent, are antonyms of the Impassioned word.

Impassioned is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2801
  Post Category :  I Letter Words and Meaning