Find Hindi meaning of Importune. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Importune" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Importune" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionharass someone persistently for or to do something
Hindi Meaning of Importuneहाथ,जिद करना, जोर डालना, अडिग,अड़े रहना, मजबूर करना
Synonyms of ImportuneBadger, Beleaguer, Beset
Antonyms of ImportuneDisclaim, Retract, Renounce

Use of "Importune" word in sentences, examples

  • Le vendeur me fait vite comprendre qu'il ne veut pas que mon smartphone importune ses clients.
  • elle remarque un homme qui importune lourdement une jeune fille.
  • he did not importune his hosts to heal the legacies of Nazism or Japanese imperialism.
  • Des politiciens, on peut dire tout ce que l'on veut sans que cela ne les importune.
  • "Bejo, Bejo, pasakay tabe” the street kids would importune and Bejo would oblige with a ride in his kareton or basket.

Importune FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Importune is, हाथ,जिद करना, जोर डालना, अडिग,अड़े रहना, मजबूर करना.

Similar words for Importune are Badger, Beleaguer, Beset.

The Definition of Importune is harass someone persistently for or to do something.

Disclaim, Retract, Renounce, are antonyms of the Importune word.

Importune is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2904
  Post Category :  I Letter Words and Meaning