Find Hindi meaning of Indeterminate. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Indeterminate" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Indeterminate" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionnot exactly known
Hindi Meaning of Indeterminateअनिश्चित, बेठिकाना, अनिर्धारित, अस्थिर, अनिर्णीत
Synonyms of IndeterminateAmbiguous, Dubious, Clouded
Antonyms of IndeterminateDefinite, Measurable, Determined

Use of "Indeterminate" word in sentences, examples

  • On the eluding charge, Castro was sentenced the maximum penalty of five years in prison with three years fixed and two years indeterminate.
  • Last year, 284 people were serving indeterminate sentences in Hong Kong jails.
  • At the same time a supreme court of judicature was appointed, composed of a chief and three puisne judges, to exercise an indeterminate jurisdiction at Calcutta.
  • Atoms swerved as they fell endlessly downwards, and thus introduced an indeterminate or irrational element into the processes of the world.
  • Pilkington was imprisoned for an unspecified length of time after being given an indeterminate sentence for her manslaughter.

Similar words of "Indeterminate"

Deliberateजान-बूझकर, संकल्पित, सतर्क, सावधान, सुविचारित, सोद्देश्य, विचारना, समझना

Indeterminate FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Indeterminate is, अनिश्चित, बेठिकाना, अनिर्धारित, अस्थिर, अनिर्णीत.

Similar words for Indeterminate are Ambiguous, Dubious, Clouded.

The Definition of Indeterminate is not exactly known.

Definite, Measurable, Determined, are antonyms of the Indeterminate word.

Indeterminate is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2212
  Post Category :  I Letter Words and Meaning