Find Hindi meaning of Jocular. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Jocular" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Jocular" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionwitty person, or characterized by joking
Hindi Meaning of Jocularविनोदी, विनोदप्रिय, हँसोड़, मजाकिया, मजाकपसन्द, विनोदपूर्ण
Synonyms of JocularComedic, Lacetious, Humorous
Antonyms of JocularMorose, Serious, Grave

Use of "Jocular" word in sentences, examples

  • Actor Jamie Foxx stormed off during an interview after the host posed a jocular question to him about his rumoured girlfriend Katie Holmes.
  • Ravichandran Ashwin was clearly not in a jocular mood.
  • The book Masasi aChinoz… is a collection of jocular, crazy, strange but philosophical.
  • Raphael had denied wrongdoing, claiming that his remarks had been jocular and were throwaway comments.
  • Jamie Foxx stormed off during an interview after the host posed a jocular question to him about his rumoured girlfriend Katie Holmes.

Jocular FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Jocular is, विनोदी, विनोदप्रिय, हँसोड़, मजाकिया, मजाकपसन्द, विनोदपूर्ण.

Similar words for Jocular are Comedic, Lacetious, Humorous.

The Definition of Jocular is witty person, or characterized by joking.

Morose, Serious, Grave, are antonyms of the Jocular word.

Jocular is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  1797
  Post Category :  J Letter Words and Meaning