Find Hindi meaning of Obsolete. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Obsolete" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Obsolete" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typeverb
Word Definitionto become obsolete by replacing a product with new one.
Hindi Meaning of Obsoleteअप्रचलित, अनुपयोगी, लुप्त, प्राय, बेकार
Synonyms of ObsoleteOutdated, Useless, Discarded
Antonyms of ObsoleteContemporary, Current, Modern

Use of "Obsolete" word in sentences, examples

  • This Spring, Sow your Creative Seeds before they become Obsolete.
  • Many people feel that changes in recruitment have made the practice of sending a cover letter obsolete.
  • I also support declaring the Second Amendment obsolete.
  • Apple's 'Field Trip' Education Event Used an Obsolete Formula
  • Indian Army says its equipment is obsolete and not ready for war.

Obsolete FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Obsolete is, अप्रचलित, अनुपयोगी, लुप्त, प्राय, बेकार.

Similar words for Obsolete are Outdated, Useless, Discarded.

The Definition of Obsolete is to become obsolete by replacing a product with new one..

Contemporary, Current, Modern, are antonyms of the Obsolete word.

Obsolete is a verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3006
  Post Category :  O Letter Words and Meaning