Find Hindi meaning of Sporadic. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Sporadic" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Sporadic" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionoccurring at irregular intervals
Hindi Meaning of Sporadicछिटपुट, अनियमित, बाधित, व्यवहित, अवरुद्ध, कदाचित, प्रसांगिक, यदा-कदा
Synonyms of SporadicFitful, Intermittent, Occasional
Antonyms of SporadicConstant, Continuous, Regular

Use of "Sporadic" word in sentences, examples

  • Sporadic incidents mark 12-hour bandh
  • Utility crews are working on sporadic power outages in the area
  • Expect sporadic fishing above Newton Creek
  • Study shows sustained and sporadic exercise offer similar benefits
  • Mostly cloudy skies, sporadic showers

Similar words of "Sporadic"

Intermittentसविराम, रुक-रुक करना, चक्रीय, सामयिक, कदाचित, प्रासंगिक, अनियमित
Verboseशब्दाडम्बरपूर्ण, वाक्पटु, वाचाल, उबाऊ, उक्तानेवाला, बकबकी

Sporadic FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Sporadic is, छिटपुट, अनियमित, बाधित, व्यवहित, अवरुद्ध, कदाचित, प्रसांगिक, यदा-कदा.

Similar words for Sporadic are Fitful, Intermittent, Occasional.

The Definition of Sporadic is occurring at irregular intervals.

Constant, Continuous, Regular, are antonyms of the Sporadic word.

Sporadic is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3362
  Post Category :  S Letter Words and Meaning